Has anyone have a mirena fitted in need have a child first?

I am on progestin only bc pills and my gyno mentioned the mirena as an prospect for me even though I am single and have not have children. In a couple of months, I will be moving into a shiftwork job where on earth taking my pill at the same time every daylight will be nearly impossible (I will be working for 3 days on, 2 days off, 3 night on, etc.) and the mirena sounds like a impeccable solution, except their website says that it is just recommended if you have have a child. Why?

Answers:    An IUD is easier to insert in a woman who's be pregnant in the recent past, and a nulliparous (never-pregnant) woman is more likely to expel one. That's why it's recommended primarily to women who've had children. Doctors are coming around to the conception that women without kids can use IUDs, though.

Older IUDs used to incline women's risk of infections that could impact their fertility, but the newer ones don't tend to do that. Women who change sex partner frequently shouldn't get them, though, since they bump up their risk of STDs.

I don't have children, and I have a Mirena for a year. I had to own it removed because of a pelvic infection, but this is unusual.

IUDs are the most effective, reversible long-term kind of birth control. They've got a pregnancy prevention rate (99%) much difficult than the diaphragm (84%).

Some women hate the Mirena, though. It can manufacture you moody and less interested contained by sex, and cause you to gain consignment. Doctors sometimes gloss over these possible side effects.

On the other paw, many women's period get lighter/less frequent, and some women stop have their periods altogether, while using the Mirena. Depending on how bothersome your menstrual symptoms are, this could be thoroughly beneficial. It's also nice not having to construe about taking a pill every morning. All you have to do is check the strings once a month or so.

If you grasp an IUD and can't stand it, having it removed is usually a simple process. Good luck near your decision.
Your body is supposed to be regulating your hormones, this is how you be designed. Often the pill is used to force periods to be regular. I’ve see all kind of nasty side effects, from small nuisances, to women whose entire energy is messed up forever like loosing their uterus. That's probably why they want you to already enjoy one, because it's so easy for a woman to become sterile. The pill can be exceptionally dangerous, and the mirena ring is even worse as it is so much stronger. Many women can't button even the least of the side effects. When I be choosing a bc method, I researched them all. What I come up with be the diaphragm. It works without hormones so you don't back up with these huge Natzi hormones overthrowing and controlling your unprocessed cycle. It's like a feminine condom, you can't feel or see it and neither can he. You put somewhat spermacide on the rim, which seals it and kill any trouble makers. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as successful as the pill, on the pregnancy part, maybe better. The doctor will fit you to get the right size and to show you how to put it contained by and remove it. It's easier than to remember to take a pill everyday when you’re not gonna own sex everyday. You just own to remember it when you’re going to have sex. If you forget it, as expected it doesn’t work at all. If period are an issue regarding sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over hours of darkness. It was my favorite bc method. However approaching the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will kill you.
physicians assistant
My housemate only just had the non-hormonal IUD ("paraguard") put contained by and she has not have any children. Its supposed to be very influential and last for 10 years. However, some women enjoy trouble with it reporting vastly heavy and/or crampy menstrual flows. From info I found on the net while helping her research IUDs I believe the reason they recommend "for women have had children" is that if in that is any uterine problems (shape, previous infections etc.) there could be problems using an IUD. So, if someone have had a child next in adjectives probabilty their uterus is normal and using the IUD should be no problem. As Heron said doctors will put one within for you if you'ld like to present it a try.

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