Abdominal cramp and vomitting during menses. Some remedies or treatment preferred?

Every month during menstruation I suffer from sever abdominal pain and vomitting for two or three days. Would similar to to know some medicines or treatments for it

Is this typical to happen?

Did you stir to the doctor? O_o

Period ? Do you have suggestion for me?

See a doctor esp. during your next menstruation!

Verseo Roller Cell Massage System.What have your experience been?

please back me

I'm sorry for the explicit question but I'd like to know from my fellow girls?

Visit the GYN. They used to treat it next to the birth control pills but I don't know what they do about it presently. If it's any consolation, after your first baby, the severity of menses will lessen. Good luck.

How long did it nick to get pregnant after your Mirena IUD be removed?

For pain, try ThermaCare Heat Wraps. Also try taking Evening Primrose Oil supplements in the week prior to menses and while from the year before it arrives, boil ginger root and wet and begin drinking it. Drink it throughout the menses, especially in the first three days. It will oblige with nausea and overall discomfort. Regular exercise apparently also help relieve menstrual pain.

Prolonged menses.?

get on the birth control pill

Is a cyst?

- start doing lots of anuloma viloma pranayama day after day starting from 10-15 mins in beginning till u do them 1/2 hour each day.do on empty stomach.dont guzzle or drink anything after for 1 hour

Basicly,How long does discharge last until that time your first period?

hi ! it is usual for some girls to enjoy abdominal pain & vomiting that can be relieved by medication.
however if no pain medication sustain u then it is best that u see a doctor & relate her for hw long u have be having this problem.
procure an ultrasound done ( this is a noninvasive examination procedure which help the doctor in visualising the belly & pelvis).it does not hurt.
birthcontrol pills r not needed if u own regular menses..
u have to find he exact of this pain & vomitting.an ob-gynaecologist is the best choice

Why bleeding after period?

Getting medicine over the medical shop counters without the doctor's guidance is equal to getting advice from our yahoo group member. When U have regular complaint every month U better move about to a lady doctor and attain the treatment,Yours VRVRAO

Question about the Pill?

befor your date comes start beside a sweat giving exercise ,ropes junps..etc..walk more cycle more .do the cycle motions as you are lieing on bed it help pelvic decongestion ,move your hip joint surrounded by the air here..as you fabrication down slowly..take anti spasmodic medicine like hysoscine buscopan on drs prescription ,pilfer 2 before the strain worsens.just begin take lots of papaya and fruits during the period it cleanses the uterus it is claimed..light diet as such help..when you are older and own baby your pains will progress..do a sono grapghy and a gynec checkup to prove that there is no problem save for 'normal'consequently do all this please..

Sex cross-question, please answer seriously?

Homeopathy has guaranteed cure for you. Consult a homeopath who will treat you constitutionally.

Can you go and get pregnet the day after your length?

See your Gyneo.

If the hysterosonogram's results were fine, is it critical to do an endometrial biopsy also?

Are you anemic, your symptom occurs mostly within patients who are anemic.

Try the Natural Cures for Dysmenorrhea/Menstrual Pain.

The maternal instincts of a woman arise almost entirely from the feminine hormones within her body. These hormones are produced contained by a pair of almond-shaped organs, prearranged as the ovaries. They are situated deep in the pelvis, one on each side of the uterus or womb. The two highest female hormones are estrogen and progesterone. These hormones furnish the woman strength and stamina and are largely responsible for the peculiarly feminine shape of her body. The ovaries start producing large quantities of estrogen, the dominant womanly hormone when a girl reaches around 12 years of age. This enables her to grow fast and develop into a normal childish woman. The commencement of menstruation at this time heralds the reproductive phase of her energy, when she can have children. This phase may concluding for about 35 years. The menstrual flow is connected beside the female function of ovulation or the endorsement of the egg cell or ovum from the ovary to the womb ready for fertilization. It is a provision of outlook to cleanse the inner surface of the womb and enable reproduction to clutch place normally. The flow generally lasts for nearly four days and has a rhythm of 28 days.

The major problem relating to menstrual flow are painful menstruation, stoppage of menstruation, and excessive menstruation. These disorders are reasonably common, but they are not ordinary. Healthy women, living according to natural law and eating diets of colloquial foods do not suffer from the monthly ordeal. Most menstrual disorders are caused by nutritional deficiency which lead to not as much as and improper metabolism of the feminine sex hormones. These disorders are now discussed briefly.

Dysmenorrhea: Painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea, as it is call in medical parlance, is a exceedingly common commonness these days. This disorder is traceable to a injured and toxic condition of the system in standard and of the sex organs in extraordinary due to a wrong diet, wrong style of living and nervous nouns. The pain may be feel either two or three days back or immediately until that time or during the flow.

Pain starting two or three days before the flow usually shows that the ovaries are not functioning properly. This is a glandular hiccup and a carefully planned inherent diet will usually put matters right. For local treatment, hot sip baths on alternate night for a week before the time is due will be highly beneficial. Between period, cold hipbaths will increase the tone of the ovaries.

Pain immediately earlier the flow commences is indicative of uterine flexion, which means that the position of the womb is unusual. A professional examination should be arranged to ascertain the position of the womb and corrective exercises undertake under professional suggestion. Uterine flexion often occur in women who are so runny that they have lost internal flabby and the ligament, on which the womb is suspended. General treatment along dietetic lines is essential along with corrective exercises.

When the discomfort occurs during menstruation, it usually system that the womb itself is inflamed. This condition can be relieved by proper attention to diet and hot hipbaths just earlier the period is due and cold hip baths between the period. The hot hipbath is generally taken for 8-10 minutes at a hose down temperature of 100 degree F which can be gradually increased to 120 degree F. The cold hipbath should be taken for 10 to 15 minutes at a water heat of 50 degrees F to 65 degree F.

Treatment: The various disorders relating to menstrual flow are indicative of the low rank of a woman’s health and a toxic condition of her sex organism, which have been brought roughly speaking by wrong habits of living, especially wrong dietary conduct. These disorders are made more deep-seated and chronic by modern medical efforts to do business with them through the suppressive agency of surgery and drugs. The disorders one systemic in kernel can be tackled just by treating the system as a whole so as to remove the toxicity from the body and build up the broad health-level of the sufferer.

To undertake such a cook up of all round health-building treatment, the sufferer from menstrual disorders should set off with an all-fruit diet for almost five days. In this regimen, the patient should own three meals a daylight of fresh, juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, papaya, oranges, pineapple, peaches and melon. No other foodstuff should be taken; otherwise the appeal of the whole treatment will be lost. However, if here is much weight loss on the all-fruit diet, those already underweight may join a glass of milk to respectively fruit meal. During this time of year the bowels should be cleansed daily beside a warm dampen enema.

After the all-fruit diet, the sufferer should adopt a well-balanced diet on the following lines:

Upon rising: A glass of lukewarm marine mixed with the freshly squeezed liquid of half a lime and a spoon of honey.
Breakfast: Fresh fruits such as apple, ginger, grapes, papaya, banana and milk.
Lunch: A bowl of freshly prepared steamed vegetable such as carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, squash, and beans, two or three whole wheat chappatis.
Mid-afternoon: A cup of carrot juice or sugarcane liquid.
Dinner: A large bowl of fresh green vegetable salad using adjectives available vegetable such as carrot, cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes, radish, red beets and onion and mung bean sprouts.
Bedtime snack: A glass of fresh milk or an apple.

The diet factor is of the utmost stress. Fruits and salads, nature’s body-cleansing and health-restoring foods, must form the bulk of the future diet along next to whole grain, nuts, and seeds, especially within sprouted forms. Frequent small meals should be taken instead of few big ones to prevent low blood sugar, which is common during menstruation. The foods which should be avoided in adjectives are white-flour products, sugar, confectionery, rich cakes, pastries, sweets, educated cereals, flesh foods, rich, sturdy, or greasy foods, tinned or preserved foods, strong tea, coffee, pickles, condiments, and sauces. Smoking, if habitual, should be given up completely as it aggravates menstrual disorders.

A further short interval on all-fruit, say two or three consecutive days can be undertake at monthly intervals, according to the need of the suitcase. The morning dry friction and cold hipbaths should form a regular feature of the treatment. All cold baths should, however, be suspended during the menstrual spell.

Ginger has be useful contained by menstrual disorders. A piece of fresh ginger should be pounded and boiled in a cupful of water for few minutes. The cement sweetened with sugar should be used thrice day after day after meals as a prescription for dysmenorrhea and amenorrhea due to exposure to cold winds and taking cold baths.

Sesame seed are also useful surrounded by menstrual disorders. Half a teaspoonful of powder of these seeds taken near hot water twice day after day acts excellently contained by reducing spasmodic pain during menstruation in childlike unmarried anemic girls. Its regular use, two days prior to the expected periods, cures insufficient menstruation. Warm hipbath containing a handful of bruised sesame seeds should be simultaneously taken along next to this recipe.

Safflower seeds enjoy also been found to be beneficial surrounded by the treatment of painful menstruation. A decoction prepared by boiling two teaspoonfuls of powdered seed in 120 mL of marine should be given as a remedy for this condition. Dried flowers mixed with confection of rose can also be given as a pills for this purpose.

Hope this helps, Good Luck.

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