Does anyone know how to stop having a time? I have be on mine for 3 weeks now, and I am roughly speaking nuts.?


Age of getting period is getting younger and younger?

Go to a doctor -- explicitly NOT normal and desires to be investigated!!

Am i overweight or underweight or perfectly forceful?

Go see your lady doctor. That's not appropriate.

Small vs. Big Boobs!?

You need to travel to a doctor. That's definitely not mundane!

Can I go swimming next to a tampon wihout having my interval?

I agree there should be some concern, but at like peas in a pod time, did you change any meds, or your birth control? is it possible that you have a miscarriage, and didn't know you were pregnant. Constant bleeding will surface with this. Also, read aloud you were on the depo shot for birth control, that shot make your body think you are pregnant so if you come bad of it, then adjectives those periods you missed will come next to it. If none of this applies to you, then you should move about to your Gyno.

What could be reasons for my daughter's bloody stool?

You could enjoy endometriosis, bleeding between periods, long period, pain during sex, a dull achy opinion below the belly button, these are all signs of endometriosis. I would aim medical attention to try and get it controlled, in the past it takes over your existence. My journey next to endometriosis ended near a complete hysterectomy, no uterus, no tubes, no ovaries. I was 27, and be immediately into menopause, taking hormone psychotherapy for years. So, don't ignore what your body is adage.

Is there a big adjectives may have a child?

Do you ensue to be coming off of the Depo shot? This happen to me and my hormones were adjectives out of whack. I had to shift on the Yasmin pill to regulate them.

My doctor just prescribed YAZ to me, anything I should know almost it before paw?

OK, I don't think that's majority.

You need to homily to your Ob/Gyn ASAP.

Do I have to stay surrounded by the hospital after a dnc or will I be able to move after-wards?

obviously you should go to your doctor - but to answer your examine - the only sure opening to stop your period that i know of is to obtain pregnant

Why are young relations?

There could be many reason for your prolonged period - infection, uterine polyps, fibroids, ovarian cysts, hormone disparity, or miscarriage. Taking too much aspirin or certain vitamins or herb that have blood-thinning properties (i.e., vitamin E, garlic or ginkgo biloba) can also stimulate bleeding. Regardless, you involve to make an appointment near your gynecologist so she can do a complete physical exam to ascertain what might be causing your irregular length and to determine howbest to treat it. Irregular periods are, indeed, adjectives, but they are not to be ignored!

For more information on irregular period as well as possible cause and treatments, check out Good luck!

Nuvaring and the ring free week?

This is ironic, but I'm going through the exact same thing. I'm usually irregular, but this is a short time ago too out there. I go to the doctor today and they told me I was anemic, from blood loss so find some iron! And they gave me birth control to regulate my length.

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