What is a 'Period'? and why do women have period?

why are they called this? All i know is that every few months a babyish woman has get to bandage herself up because she bleeds down below. whats the mark here?

Girls, How do you deal near your period?

Menstruation is the piece of the menstrual cycle in which the uterine pool liner (endometrium) is shed. Menstrual cycles occur exclusively contained by humans and other great apes. The females of other mammalian species experience an estrus, in which the endometrium is reabsorbed by the animal at the end of its reproductive cycle. Eumenorrhea denotes average, regular menstruation that lasts for a few days (usually 3 to 5 days, but anywhere from 2 to 7 days is considered normal). The average blood loss during menstruation is 35 millilitres beside 10-80 mL considered normal; tons females also notice shedding of the endometrium inside layer that appears as tissue mixed with the blood. An enzyme call plasmin — contained in the endometrium — tends to inhibit the blood from clotting. Because of this blood loss, females own higher dietary requirements for iron than do males to prevent iron negative amount. Many females experience uterine cramps, also referred to as dysmenorrhea, during this time. A vast industry have grown to provide sanitary products to help run menses.

Menstruation is the most visible phase of the menstrual cycle. Menstrual cycles are counted from the first daytime of menstrual bleeding, because the onset of menstruation corresponds closely next to the hormonal cycle.

The evolutionary impetus for menstruation remains somewhat embryonic. Most mammals reabsorb the uterine lining during their oestral cycle. The ancient writer Hippocrates considered that menstruation be intended to cleanse the body of "evil humours", and modern evolutionary biologist Margie Profet contends that the primary function of menstruation is to remove sperm-borne pathogens from the uterus. In support of this theory, she have pointed to the relatively high level of macrophages in menstrual blood. Anthropologist Beverly Strassmann have posited that the energy hoard of not having to continuously say the uterine lining more than offset the blood loss of menstruation. Currently, however, no single explanation of the evolutionary purpose of menstruation is accepted. Beginning in 1971, some research suggested that menstrual cycles of co-habiting human females become synchronized. Anthropologists such as Desmond Morris and Chris Knight hypothesised that in hunter-gatherer societies, males would dance on hunting journeys whilst the females of the tribe be menstruating, speculating that the females would not have be as receptive to sexual relations while menstruating. However, within is currently significant dispute as to whether menstrual synchrony exists, with one writer characterizing the prosynchrony position as "third and long".

Why the girls similar to to wear short clothes, inspite of knowing the fact that boys stare them feebly?

period is what women have be having long past we knew it. some send for it period, cramps, menstrual cramps, cycle. she's not bandaging herself up, she's protecting the blood from dripping down her leg. in public would you want to see a woman bleeding from her vagina down her legs? try the following site.

Mom of B & D

Does retroverted uterus exact sciatica?

what are you like 2?

Rape? please help out me outplease.?

not sure why they call it interval, maybe draw from away from me . (period) haha, maybe it is the menstration term

Have i had a miscarrige?

Hi. Welcome to Earth. Has it be fun under that rock?

I'm 35 weeks today.I lost my mucus plug today.how long do I own?

HOW OLD R U? you are so acting like a 4 year antiquated. you shouldnt even ask that. ask your mom!

Symptons of cyst on ovaries?

gO tO school,
&& you`ll revise.

Cosmetic surgery?


There you go. Enjoy. (women don't)

Can birth control pills for good decrease your sex drive?

because if we did not enjoy pirods we would be even bitcher.lol

Wondering about tampons? girls simply plz!!?

i really don't know why woman have period i guess thats just the process life works

Men answering girls with the sole purpose Q's?

We have them so you can come up next to a question for this board. Go ask your Mommy.

I own pink lines/marks on the inside of my thighs ?

Mr. Gotti, you of all those...

Does the pill make your breasts bigger?

Because MEN used up adjectives the Question Marks.

What do u think? Has this happen to you before?

You should not be on this site. You are distinctly underage. Does your mom know what you're doing?

Am i average weight?

Its the curse...singular women have to traffic with this because God hate them and cursed them all.

Oh yeah...they're equal too ;-)

Is this typical? i havent even had any fluids today?

Its not something u want 2 know.

How is discharge meant to smell?

the girls hold a little entry in their "object"
when that entity breakes the girls bleed every month
it usually breakes at the fisrt time doing (u know what)
or in sport

PMS question?

once a month, a woman between ages of 12 to 45 or 50 ..menustrates to expel unfertilized eggs and excess blood from her reproductive organs

Can You Be Pregnant After Using Protection and Having Two Periods?

Every month we release a nice fresh egg for some lucky guy to fertilise, and our wombs prepare by creating a gluey lining all set for the fertilised egg to plant in. if the egg is not fertilised, afterwards the lining discards itself, in place for a fresh egg the next month, and a unusual lining starts forming again. I enjoy no idea why it is call a period.

How on soil do you break the cycle of bulimia?

Comes from Menstrual Period. Just a cycle of time. I posted a link this should assistance.

Is this normal?

What ru you approaching 5??Girl or boy!?!!ask ur mom!!

Any gynae/doctor/expert. i need serious warning?

Period is menstruation. True. They are bleeding from "below". Like my younger brother said, it is like epistaxis, men have it come from their nose, and women have it come from "somewhere else down below". (Don't blame me. He was 9).
DO not verbs. The bandage is far-reaching for them to avoid any humiliation. And it is a pretty good item since blood doesn't drop everywhere. However, that is one of the apology why you are here now.

Pubic Hair Help!?


very well where do i start here ... ok EVERY MONTH ... a woman ovulates ... this is when her body go through a process to have a babe-in-arms ... when a baby isnt processed ... in that is all this access blood that you body produced through the ovulation process ... so it requirements to release it ... do you have a "period"
the "period" is in recent times a nice nick cross - during this period your body releases the blood - this process take anywhere from 2 - 7 days. and we dont bandage ourselves up .. we in recent times use either tampons .... or pad to stop the bleeding from hitting our underwear.

i hope this helped .. but if you step to www.google.com and enter in " Menstrual Cycle " which is the material name for a time ... a bunch of sites will come up that will help explain it better than i can.

but this is totally common for you to ask - most men have NO IDEA just about this.

Her answer this one?

They are called menstrual cycles. It a moment ago a way that women's bodies cleans themselves out. Every month at hand is an egg that is expelled into the uterus. When this egg does not grasp fertilized, it will be flushed out. you should check out some health websites such as: www.kidshealth.org/teen/sexual...

Hopefully I enjoy been of some assistance to you.

Women merely please!!!?

you tell me o_O

My spell started this afternoon and I'm going on holiday to the beach tomorrow.?

The menstrual cycle / Period is a continuing cycle of physiological changes contained by the females of some animal species that is associated beside reproductive fertility.

Menstruation is also called menstrual bleeding, menses, or a extent. This bleeding serves as a sign that a woman has not become pregnant. (However, this cannot be taken as certitude, as sometimes there is some bleeding in hasty pregnancy.) During the reproductive years, failure to menstruate may provide the first indication to a woman that she may own become pregnant. A woman might say that her "extent is late" when an expected menstruation has not started and she might own become pregnant.

Eumenorrhea denotes normal, regular menstruation that last for a few days (usually 3 to 5 days, but anywhere from 2 to 7 days is considered normal). The average blood loss during menstruation is 35 millilitres with 10-80 mL considered run of the mill;[5] many women also spy shedding of the endometrium lining that appears as tissue mixed beside the blood. An enzyme called plasmin — contained in the endometrium — tend to inhibit the blood from clotting. Because of this blood loss, women have sophisticated dietary requirements for iron than do males to prevent iron deficiency. Many women experience uterine cramps during this time. (Severe cramps or other symptoms are call dysmenorrhea.) A vast industry have grown to provide sanitary products to help women to be in charge of their menses.

I had sex three days ago.?

Comes once a month , to hold babies.

Why are women colder than men and always give the impression of being to have cold hand?

A period is a monthly bleeding from the females vagina. We draw from our periods so we can hold a baby.

How can I prevent my bras from making me sweat?

A interval is when a woman has "her time of the month". She bleeds down below because every month we produce an egg an if that egg isn't fertilized by a sperm after you have to capture rid of it so that is why we bleed every week within a month.

What is sex?

Never realized nearby was duration on Mars, I hope you came contained by peace.

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