Symptons of cyst on ovaries?

anyone know please?

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I can tell you alot because i have cyst on my ovaries from the time i was around 15 years, I practically lived within the hospital, my symptoms were strain in my abdominals, this throbbing was so desperate that i could not stand up straight, excuse me it was excruciating strain, i had remarkable periods that last 10 days or more. There are not any other symptoms besides not man able to take pregnant and being anemic. These cysts consumed majority of young years, the doctor wanted to remove them but my mother respected my wishes not to own surgery, they tried to put me on birth control pills because something about the hormones would assistance remove them. Oh Yeah i had multiple cysts on both ovaries. My cousin have them also and they told her that she would not be able to enjoy children, she took the birth control pills, i refused to because they generate you gain weight, anyway my cousin took the birth control pills and she get pregnant she has 5 kids in a minute. I have none. Any more question about it e-mail me. GOOD LUCK!

Question give or take a few my period Brown Blood?

pocs.thats what its call, irregular periods, more than conventional facial and body hair, shipment gain, seatch it in google

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It depends on the cause of the cyst and how big it is. Small cysts enjoy no symptoms. Larger cysts can cause discomfort.

Will there be any remainder gone in my body? (as my period stopped on the second day i have them)?

sharp pains around where your ovaries are. They can do an ultrasound to see if you hold any. Usually they will put you on birth control pills to make them smaller.

I own a PMS question?

i hold pcos. the only course to find out if u have it, is enjoy ur dr run bloodwork on u to check ur hormone levels. he can do a vaginal ultrasound to see if u own cysts. if he doesnt find cysts there, he can carry out a laparoscopy, at which point he would remove all the cysts he finds. oh..and if u DO enjoy pcos, ask ur dr to put u on metformin! its a GOD SEND! i've been on it over a year, and its relieve me lose weight and preserve it off, even though its usually used for diabetes, metformin helps insulin resistant pcos victims too by regulating period, and helping normalize metabolism and weight.

What is cause this to happen?

Usually It will enjoy sharp pains on your lower belly. I should know Ive had two of them contained by the last 4 months. Small Cyst dont really make happen any pain Larger ones do. If you own it go to your doctor end in a cyst on an ovarie can Pop and hurt you

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I had chronic ovarian cysts which hurt most of the time, but especially during ovulation, and my term.

My ob/gyn did a D&C where my doctor removed the cysts, and cauderized the nouns. That helped a great deal, but if you drink a lot of caffine, the cysts will probably come hindmost.

Hope this helps.

My 14 year behind the times daughter had a ovarian cyst rupture.?

I have cysts and I can tell you that if they are anything resembling mine, I was almost doubled over surrounded by pain. I would hold pulses of pain and other felt cramping and lower rear pain. Getting on birth control and regulating your time of year can help this. I hold been on bc for more or less 4 years now and I own only have 2, which is good compared to the one I would get hold of with every term.

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i have a 5 cm cyst a couple of years ago (i went on birth control and it get rid of it) but oddly plenty, the cyst caused me to own the worst pain within my stomach i have ever experienced...i have to go to the hospital (which is where on earth they found the cyst) but it really depends on what kind of cysts you enjoy.

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