Girls, How do you business with your extent?

I'm 18 & I first got my spell when I was 12. Up until I turned 15 enjoy I not had any problems next to my period, but after I surpassed that 15th birthday splodge my period is longer (from the previous 4 days to the present full 7 days) & I acquire the WORST cramps for the first 1 or 2 days of my period that I'll seize diarrhea & spend a good hour or so on the toilet (if lone pamprin/midol/etc.. worked faster..). & to top it off, I sometimes gain nauseas & I'm always bloated so for the duration of my term I lose my appetite & end up consumption only one suppertime for the day or sometimes I a short time ago drink milk if I absolutely can't stomache anything.

I know this is clearly normal, but how do you traffic with your spell?

I'm a total complete mess & on the first 1-2 days of my period I'll train up coming to school in arrears simply because of the painful cramps.

Any tips for someone who can't catch in sync beside their own period?


How do you bring ride f your period?

I feel exactly the same bearing. I would have diarhea and nausea at matching time! I used to lie surrounded by a bathtub and throw up adjectives over myself because i spent the 1st 2 days throwing up. I got on the birth control pill and it help to lessen all of that. It stopped the nausea and diarhea. I would suggest that. Hope this help. Take midol, pamprin, ibuprofen, and aleve to help beside the pain. Drink tea and put a heat pad on your tummy. Good luck and feel better!

I’m 26 and I hold been experiencing pelvic or ovarian misery with completely irregular periods every 2-4 months.?

eating bananas work wonderful for cramps...i get mine at 12.5 and always feel miserable but not much pain til 14/15,later the nasty horrible cramps hit...i go to the emergency room twice in one year because of cramps,they hurt so bleak!! *even left arts school in a wheelchair once* :( i have vomiting diarrhea and puked so much my esophagus started tearing and bleeding and i desiccated myself...then i get on the pill,and they arent nearly so bad...

My breats enjoy hurt for about 2 months very soon and im not on Birth control or in anyway pregnant whats wrong?

Go see a gynecologist or your ancestral doctor. There are medications that can facilitate if your symptoms are that severe.

Whats the best way to take rid of dark fleece in your body?

I never hear of someone have that various problems while on their periods. You may want to see your doctor give or take a few it. They may put you on birth control pills to regulate your period and to aid with the cramps. I'm on birth control and when I first started on them my interval only last 2-3 days!

I dont know if I have have a miscarriage..?

For cramps I use midol and ibprofeun (not @ the same time) and for cravings I use Peanut Butter and Chocolate!! works every time (the pills and food)

Is it mundane to gain weight around the time of your extent?

i have shameful cramps every month and i could not deal near the pain. i saw a gynae and i be told that it was commonplace. she prescribed me some painkillers (pontalon, they said it was the most significant for cramps) and i'm eating that since. i drink lots of hot river when i lose my appetite...

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