Have i have a miscarrige?
last month i never came on my time, i thoguht id go it till this month and see what happened, i be due on on the 11th, but on the 3rd i got amazingly bad cramps, dizzyness and pay for ache and begin 2 bleed very heavily and loose clots of blood, cud i ov be pregnant and lost it?
Has anybody heard of someone losing their virginity to a tampon?
It's possible but I really ponder you should go to the doctor - if you own had a miscarriage near may be bits left and you might entail a scrape.
Yes - that would be the signs.
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sounds similar to it. But I have have ones like that and in attendance has be no baby. Just a delayed length. I used to clot badly too and it is exceedingly painful You own my sympathy! If your bleeding continues to be heavy previous the usual day or two afterwards get to the Dr. You may requirement a D&C.How much should i weigh at my age?
best see doctor.How can i correct inverted nipples?im 15 ,im not sure if im past most of my puberty or not..?
Get a question paper straight away. Immediately after a miscarriage the hormone which indicates you are or were pregnant is still detectable. Only next will you know for sure. Comiserations if it was a bungled pregnancy. You will probably feel pretty low for a while following it while your hormones settle down again. But definately capture tested, Hope this helps a bit.x