My partner has hipatitis b is it possible that I can obtain it too..?


How do you get rid of stretch results ladies?

Yes, it is highly contageous. Avoid bodily fluid contact. Get yourself tested. I have the vaccinations done, I am a condition care professional. Three shots over 6 months.

Very serious.

Lower abdominal discomfort?

you probably will get it or already enjoy it. it can pass from any exchange of body fluids.

How can i deferral my period a few days readily? (like no pills) GIRLS and WOMEN only please!?

Get tested, presently. Hepatitis B is transmitted by the exchange of body fluids. That's why it's listed as an STD.

Menstrual Cycle!! LOL?

Hep B is VERY contagious. It can live outside the body up to 3 days. If someone have it and leaves a drop of blood and you come in contact next to it you will be infected. If it is dry you will be less plausible to get it but adjectives it needs is a drop of river or fluid and it is active again. There is NO cure for it adjectives will most likely head to A and C. Be careful.

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