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Ok...you will probley think im wierd.but I want like a vibrater or something and im merely 13..should I just ask my mom or like what..And also.How do yall capture horny besides from porn...Thanks.

Answers:    well if your comfortable asking your mom then move about for it. if not, ask an older cousin or somebody. and mostly my man get me horny, lol. but if you want to on your own, just touch your body and think nearly something erotic, or sumthin..
geez, what's with everyone saying you're 'too childlike to be horny'? HELLO, PEOPLE! puberty is when your hormones are the most out of control, and as such, is when you are naturally the most curious roughly speaking sex/masturbation. this is the perfect time to try experimenting with yourself. it's not a fruitless or amoral thing to do. loosen up, guys.

anyway, do you know of the store Spencer's? i don't know where you live, but they're usually surrounded by a lot of malls. they sell adjectives sorts of vibrators, and you can buy one on your own instead of having to potentially embarrass yourself by asking your mom.

i'm sure as a girl you have some sort of sexual role-play, or at least something in unique that really gets you turned on, whether it's a particular situation, type of guy, etc. getting turned on short porn means using your imagination :D fantasize about a sexy guy doing adjectives your favorite things to you. go as crazy or as realistic as you want, anything does it for you.

also, you're 5 years too young to be looking at porn...please try to hold off for that for a while, so you won't give attention to your first sexual experience should be like a porno.
Great question. Be accessible about your sexuality rather than hide away from it. If you are feeling it then it is time. Go achieve that vibrator girl and masterbate till you drop. Rather that than you going out having sex with the wrong guys. Sometimes you can acquire horny just by thinking about a situation next to a guy(or girl). Or imagine yourself making love to some hot guy or crush in your college. Just make sure you dont rush into having sex motivation these guys out here are out to do you wrong. The young ones are all give or take a few sex and wil lnot give a crap about you after they are done and construct your first sexual experience feel worthless. Hold that virginity until you find a nice guy and get to know him for some time and ca trust him near your mind and body. And you dont have to wait till bridal, just wait for the right guy please. You one and only lose your virginity once. Mke it a positive, memorable exprience. Now get rotten the computer and go stick something in your vagina and enjoy a great night. : ) people teling you that you shouldn't be getting horny when you're thirteen is ridiculous, seriously. don't listen to them at adjectives, please.

i think it's great that you feel comfortable chitchat to your mom about this kindof stuff, I'm really close with my mom too but I'm still not sure I would ask her going on for this isis go buy one yourself, get an elder family member/friend to buy it for you if you're too embarrased, or use a back massager.
apposite luck!
and im fifteen, not too far from your age. all the people here discouraging majority sexual curiosity are absurd. seriously..
There's NOTHING wrong with wanting a vibrator or human being horny at thirteen. It's human nature to want to experiment with different forms of masturbation. If your mom is cool or you own an aunt or older cousin, then probability are they might buy you one.

I work in an adult store and I have an awesome older woman come in and announce to us that she be buying her granddaughters their first vibes. She made my night!

Also, even though the quality on them sucks (but it doesn't really situation that much if you just want to know what a vibrator feels like), you can buy those fresh little Trojan fingertip vibes at some grocery and drugstores by the condoms regardless of what age you are. They're $19.95, and you can just go through the self-checkout.

Good luck hon! And don't consent to these close-minded idiots tell you what's right or wrong. Your sexuality is your business, and perfectly on form. :).
Besides porn, all you really need is your imagination or I don`t know a good magazine with some hot models surrounded by it.

Personally, I don't know if you really want to ask your mom for a vibrator. If you have that kind of start on relationship with your mom then that's cool, but most kids don't..
If you surface comfortable asking your mother for one, ask her. Otherwise, maybe you have an fully fledged sister you can ask or maybe an aunt.
And I'm sure people on this site will recount you that you shouldn't want one. However, vibrators are part of masturbation which for girls, comes earlier after for guys. It is normal. You are normal. And you are fine.
omfg, im 13 too and sameee story,
im not in recent times making this up.
i am wayyyy to scared to ask my mom.
hahh, that would be like bad.
go to chat rooms and have guys parley to you in a dirty way :X
haha and i also do phone sex.. i hope
my mom doesnt see this message. wowww i would be deceased.
but yeah i wouldnt ask my mom...

good luck and tell me how you get the vibrater if you did.
I've always wanted a vibrater but I can NOT ask my mother, so I use a stern massager. Works just the same and not a soul will ever know. To get turned on you can think dirty thoughts, but porn works the best. I am 15 going on 16 by the agency. your not weird. and as much as most adults hate to hear it, your totally ordinary. don't ask your mom because shell probably try and talk you into thinking is not healthy or something in recent times save up your money and go to ricky's or something.

Why would someone your age want to be horny? You should be living the concern free life of a thirteen year old and verbs about that stuff later. Wait till your married to experience the pleasure of that stuff-it'll be worth the loaf. most people fantasies about stuff approaching that, or read a sexy book or something. i wouldn't ask your mum for one, my mate asked her mum and she flipped out. you will have to make do near your hands for now or improvise. .
You're 13... and you want a vibrator. If your mom get you one she's not a good parent, and as far getting horny goes you're 13, you shouldn't be getting horny. umm.. u should do cyber sex. that help me. theres alot of horny teens on here
and if u need any words that u dont know what they mean, use this website
Summer leave is about over and school is something like to begin. Put all your hard work into studying and doing your best. You'll be glad you did. Can't you just be satisfied near your fingers for a few more years?

As for getting horny, that's what your imagination is for..
Definitely ask your mom. ask your mom??
I don't think so.

Just buy one of those vibrating stern massagers that they have at any store or drug store. It's the same piece and it feels great.

okayy well your lone 13 im 13 too.
im not worried about stuff like that!
at lowest possible wait until you get into lofty school.
but its better then getting a STD.
Hhhmm. You want to ask your mom why you are even thinking about a vibrator at your age.. You need to run a cold shower and ask this question again in in the region of 5 years!! Where's your mother!.
ask an adult outside to go within and buy you one just give her the money to buy it Sonic Wave toothbrush. Don't use the brush quantity..
lmao.. at 13 if your parents agree to get you a vibrator your parents have 0 parenting skill. http://www.vibratingtouch.com/.
um i really dont know basically dont tell ur mom that might be weird wow!
you're really infantile.
mmmm, i think your too young to seize a vibrator, you don't want to lose your virginity like that.
You could masturbate if you're horny

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