Lower abdominal strain?

I have wound up contained by the ER about every 2 or 3 months from beyond the pale pain within my lower abdomen. Everytime i enjoy gone in, they to an ultrasound and ct scan, and relay me i have an ovarian cyst...ive needed surgery for one that be the size of a canteloupe, but the others have eventually gone away on their own. My Gyn have told me the only entity that helps is birth control pills, but i cant lug them because i have a history ot heart disease and DVT's...im very soon having a similiar niggle, on the left side, but the difference is, i can just walk, it is 10x worse to step down near that leg, and ive never had that beforehand. Im so sick of going in, to have them poke and prod me and dispatch me home with some aching killers and another cyst. Has anyone have anything similiar and found out it was anything excluding a cyst? Can you get discomfort from appendicitis on the left? Should i step in, again? Any warning or ideas would be great, im at my wits finale here...thanks

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My sister had twinge that the doctors kept telling her be due to ovarion cysts too. However, she changed gyn and he scheduled her for exploratory surgery, come to find out her appendix be slowly leaking (which be slowly poisoning her and he removed immediately) and she had endometriosis that be not diagnosed with CT or multiple sonograms. You may want to mention the possiblity to your dr and see what they hold to say and if it relates to you.

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if u re have sex it might be out of womb pregnancy. it is very incredibly painful, if u don't walk to doctor u might die when pregnancy grows and tube bursts. also it might burst when your cyst grows or bursts. in adjectives cases if u have abdominal twinge go to doctor. it is better to be probed and pocked than inert or operated and moved out without womb and tubes and ovaries.

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