Uti cross-examine?
Answers: i hate to enlighten you this, but you really can't 'cure' yourself of a UTI. Sometimes it feels similar to a UTI, but it's really just similar symptoms and it's a yeast infection or something else. but if it really is a UTI, you inevitability some antibiotics. the good report is, that UTIs usually develop really quickly from the start, so if you're not having intense symptoms still, you might not enjoy one. in that luggage the cranberry plus uristat (an over the counter pill) will help.
also, they hold AZO test strips in a minute, they come three in a pack and it will stockpile you the trip to the doc if you're not sure.
good luck
If it is dawn stages you have a unsystematic, plus it may not be a uti it may be just inflamation. I would grasp the azo uti test at the drug store, if it is not a uti, afterwards try taking alka seltzer as directed on the box, and drink lots of water I know it sounds unusual but it takes away the inflamation. If it is a true uti you involve antibiotics so you don't get a kidney infection. trust me you don't want that youll necessitate the antibiotic the doctors give you to butcher the bacteria surrounded by your urinary tract, ask them for the three pills that get rid of it they are going on for 10usd a piece but they work fast and they dont breed you as sick as the others
if it is an actualy UTI u need meds to clear it...as long as you are drinking the cranberry concentrate liquid, NOT ocean spray and sugar chock-a-block craberry cocktails and blends you should help cut it surrounded by half...stay away from well-mannered sugar, candy and sugary things...if it starts to burn when you pee and u start to need to dance every 5 mins, go see a dr...apposite luck :)