Should i bring back sour this birth control?

I have been on Levora for something like a month and a half. For the last month i enjoy been very moody, ive be sleeping for about 12 hours a day. I own been crying a lot and terrifically sad. I was pretty glum before i got on the pill but i touch like it is getting worse. Also i notice this dent contained by my stomach right above the navel. I dont know if this has anything to do with the birth control.
Sum extra details: closing time of sex was last week(unprotected). Last term was light. The pill made me gain 3 pounds.

I took this letoval final month to conceive but i could not concive what to do?

Go see your doctor. Get on another type of pill. This one is distinctly NOT working. Finish out the pack, then do the blanks, then be in motion on another kind. Do NOT stop right in the middle. This simply makes things worse.

I went through every single pill, ring, etc. You identify it, tried it (except the shot - my risk of a bad reaction be too high for me to try it). Some worked for a while, others didn't work at all. The low dose pills worked for a few years, afterwards at 24, my body chemistry changed and I can no longer tolerate ANY hormones at all (which is a fact that be confirmed by my endocrinologist). So, I am going in for the IUD. this is NOT for people who are not married (or contained by a serious, long term committed relationship).

Keep working with your doctor to find a pill that works for you. Don't provide up!


I've hear that fast can put sour your spell for a few days...?

If you are having emotional side effects I would call upon your doctor and try a different pill. If you have depression and you add reliable bc pills they can actually make things worse. Tell your doctor that you own pretty sad moods so s/he can suggest bc that doesn't have such a fruitless effect on emotions.

How do you stop a spell?

You shouldn't get stale of it entirely. But you SHOULD notify your prescribing doctor that you're suffering this badly. They'll give you an alternative formulation to try.

Sometimes the first one isn't the best and you hold to try several before you find one that is upright for you and your body chemistry.

Don't give up...just vary it up.

Do you know of any actual unconscious ways to increase breast growth?

I would go in to see your doctor and explain to him what is going on. You might just need another type of birth control or a smaller amount dose.

Lump contained by my armpit?

Well don't stop with the pill yourself but talk next to the doctor about your problem.

Period grill (Girls individual, preferably.)?

You should try a different birth control.

How do I draw from more "womanly hormones"?

Go to whoever you got the pills from and explain.

You will probably newly have to change the pill that you are on :)

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