Signs of cancer?

has anyone had cervical , uterine or ovarian cancer and what be your symptoms?

or has anyone have a month of spotting then started to bleed continually, close to a heavy spell that doesnt ever stop...and what was your diagnosis?

I involve help nearly my period?

Oh My Goodness! - Please IGNORE the answer by "TAFTSRADIATORS".

There is unquestionably NO WAY that anyone can make that considerate of assumption!

First of all, you are doing the right entity - you have be to the doctors and it is in their hand to get to the bottom of it.

Secondly, at hand are a whole mountain of things this could be! Really.

I am really annoyed that someone wrote that. Please do not panic.

My mum have cancer of the womb last Dec - she is 71 and have light spotting - twice in 6 months. That be her only symptom. There be no heavy bleeding. (Oh shes cured by the way).

I hold a friend who bled for a few months once - that turned out to be nothing more than a hormonal disparity.

I wish you the best of luck and i am sure that you will be fine. May i suggest that you stay away from asking question like that to anyone but your doctor, or a medical professional? I enunciate that, because i don't want you to get answers resembling before.

Good luck xx

Meds affecting birth control.?

It doesn't issue about anyone else...see the doctor!

Yeast Infections at an hasty age?

I'm a 12 year ovarian cancer survivor. I did not have any symptoms similar to you mention. In fact I didn't own any symptoms. I went contained by for an STD check and they found it in the hasty stages. For more information on ovarian cancer, go to or You should really bring in an appointment with a gynecologist or your trusted nearest and dearest physician!

Addition after reading your addition: The colposcopy is nought to be worried about, it's a completely common procedure!


Go to type contained by all your symptoms and they will enlighten what u may have

Question give or take a few boob size.?

I would go near DC's answer and go to a gynecologist. Also I own had the spotting followed by what seem like a continual interval but I had fibroids (which be basically harmless) except they cause pain

I hope everything turns out ok for you

How do I prevent a UTI?

Im very sorry to put in the picture you this, but you have cancer. My mother have these exact symptoms when i was just 15 years old. I suggest you spend as much time near your loved ones as possible. quit your job, and hold a good time spending adjectives your money, actually, its probalbly better if you lately give the money to someone thriving. there is no point wasting it on someone specifically going to die soon

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