White discharge.?

I have be having a white odorless discharge coming out from my vagina..and i don't know what it could be...i a short time ago noticed it when i showered this morning. Anyone know what it could be?

Transexual man?

Vaginal discharge is regular and varies during your menstrual cycle. Before ovulation (the release of the egg), near is A LOT of mucous produced, up to 30X more than after ovulation. It is also more watery and pliable during that phase of your cycle. You may want to wear panty liners during that time.

White: Thick, white discharge is adjectives at the beginning and terminate of your cycle. Normal white discharge is not accompanied by itching. If itching is present, tacky white discharge can indicate a yeast infection.

Clear and stretchy: This is "fertile" mucous and means you are ovulating.

Clear and runny: This occurs at different times of your cycle and can be specifically heavy after exercising.

Yellow or Green: May indicate an infection, especially if gummy or clumpy like cottage cheese or have a foul odor.

Brown: May happen right after period, and is just "cleaning out" your vagina. Old blood looks brown.

If you're worried roughly speaking it, see your doctor.

Is it bad to be?

Sick dude! Gonnorhea or Yeast infection... stay away from MY johnson

Pain in my lower departed abdomine.?

May be thrush

Health Problem here!?

If it's odorless, painless, and has a consistency approaching egg whites, it's most likely of late ovulation fluids. Perfectly normal stuff! It get heavier during ovulation, that's all.

Or, you're pregnant.

I perceive really bloated?


Hey i was wondering how it feel to have a time of year?

Usually this means when your fertile or your bodys style of cleaning itself below. Your usually fertile 14 days after the first day of your last time of year and it lasts for 3-4 days, that's when your probability of getting pregnant are high. There is zilch to worry more or less unless it itches or is a nasty color afterwards you should get checked out for an sexually transmitted diseases, if it itches it could be yeast infection and you might want to buy medication or talk to a doctor, goodluck!

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doesn't nouns good! I'd budge see your GP, it's probably thrush or something ? I've never had thrush but know it can result in a discharge like you're describing.

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It can be surely anything! You could get a hundred different answers to this sound out. I know its embarrassing but you should jump to your doctor and have it checked out

Omg I really entail to know what this means,im worried!?

From my reading, that's completely normal. It's freshly your body's way of cleaning you out. But you might want to basically ask your doctor the next time you're here, to find out more about it.
If it's odorless, and you don't itch down within, it should be fine.

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I own found that some discharges are actually regular for the female body. you can look it up at webmd.com or ring up your ob/gyn for the most accurate results. from what i have researched, as long as its odorless you may be ok, but check next to a pro to be sure.

Guys, what do y'all ruminate when..?

Every woman has discharge. Discharge is the mode your body cleanses itself. If you haven't gotten your first period, this could be your body's style of letting you know that you are about to start. Unless your discharge have a foul smelling odor, I wouldn't be concerned about it. If it is robust, you may want to try wearing panty liners.

Hope this help.

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Tis possible you have a yeast infection and should budge see your doctor who will prescribe something for you to clear it up...If that's what it is...and you don't get it see to..it could make alot more problems for you........or if y ou're pregnant...you'd want to know that also....so move about see your family doc*

Awkward position?

when be the last time you have sex? maybe its your boyfriends sperm running out of your vagina onto your leg.

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