Health Problem here!?
i own hypoglosema if u get what i be determined, and it's really bad if i don't devour because of what i have.......
so please someone relate me y i can't eat.
I'm simply 14, and this is the first time it has happen to me
Varicose vain pain is it regular?
With being hypoglycemic, you know how essential it is for you to eat. Have you talk to your parents yet? I would ask My Parents to clear an appt with your Dr. It is imperative that you hold your sugar levels on an even keel. There are several reasons that your stomach could be hurting, but in that isn't enough detail to know what it is. Are you vomiting? Do you own Diarhea? What ever the stomach problem is, you need a Dr. Good Luck and I hope you have a feeling better real soon.
I am not trying to knock the party above Me, however, given you are having stomach problems, I would tail off to drink fruit juices do to the acids surrounded by them, they might be a little jarring on an upset stomach.
Condom was still within me what now?
It sounds serious. So formerly reading anything on this page, immediately move about to the Doctor.Immediately!
may be you have stomach swelling.get it checked.consume some soft diet slowly and drink lot of fresh fruit liquid to get rid of hypoglycemic attacks.