Air coming out of my feminine nouns?

Is it normal to enjoy air come out of within every once in a while? Kind of approaching flatulence but it's not as controllable? I am not sexually active (i believe surrounded by abstinence). Please be mature in the order of this question. If you cannot be fully grown, don't answer.
Why does this happen?

Answers:    It is call a queef. It is when you get nouns into your vagina and comes out.
I dunno but it happens to me and it is wierd yes its call queffing very average
its normal.. its pretty much newly like a fart. in reality, it's called a queef.

I can do it on command. It make me laugh
It is run of the mill for that to happen once contained by a while. Air can get trapped within there sometimes and it have to come out. It's called a quieef (KWEEF)

It's regular
omg yeaaa that happened to me too!! lol Its call a queef. When air go in, it have to come out. It is normal, newly a part of mortal a woman.
It happens sometimes... bodies are strange
nothing to verbs about. yeah, it's adjectives enough. nouns gets trapped up in attendance for whatever function and it expells itself. it isnt very controllable unless you own VERY strong pc muscles! it can be crushing, but it's nothing to verbs about. it's purely air escaping (like gas)!
That's adjectives. It is nothing to be worried almost. its normal dont verbs about it.. its call a queef.. feels wierd huh? if it happen enough to net you uncomfortable.. I don`t know you should see a doctor?
Its called queef or "fanny fart" its is impeccably normal. Trust me adjectives girls get it.

It is call a Queef, that's correct. It's when air pass through your vaginal area and it sounds resembling a fart if you will. I hate that word QUEEF, however that's what it's call. A fanny fart? No, sorry wrong answer! Where I live, it's called a "vart" (vagina fart). Yes, it's average. There is no nasty smell involved, so don't verbs about that. If it happen in a public place and make a noise, basically say "excuse me" and smile. Everyone will understand--even if they assume it's a fart.
Totally normal. If you suppose about your sex organs, you'll realize they're mostly hollow. You catch air contained by there. Sometimes it happen when youre exercising (yoga, especially), and sometimes it just happen. When your muscles in that nouns contract, the air is forced out. It sounds similar to a fart, but it isn't.

People call it different things: queef and vart (as within vagina fart) are the two I've always hear. It's really no big deal.
Sometimes, surrounded by certain positions, you allow nouns to get trapped and it comes out as a "flatulence" nouns. It's completely normal and you don't own to be sexually active. Unlike a fart you can't hold it within. A fart comes from the inside and a queef you let contained by and it escapes when it has the karma! Yes it's normal. And there's nought you can do about it.
I'm pretty it happen just to construct a girl's life slightly more difficult.
Just lurk until you're married and start having sex. Cause that will pop up at an awkward time.
it's a queef. It depends seriously of your physical structure down yonder, its very adjectives to kind of suck within a little nouns if you squat down, then then, god forbid, it has to move about somewhere. I had never hear of this but a friends of mine tore really bad during child birth and until it heal completely every time the poor thing would squat down at work...she be a hair dresser, she would stand up and expell gas from in that, it was discouraging enough she have to quit..I would suggest doing your kegels, and a lot of them.
it is within fact a fart its be known as a queff and its 100% fluent and basicly it happens during the digustiveing proses and nouns happens to draw from caught in going surrounded by that derection like how breathing contained by and drinking most the time you cough right after but when you dont down the line you queff Flatulence is repeatedly referred to as passing or breaking entwine, and happens when your body wants to get rid of the excess nouns that builds up from drinking and swallowing food and saliva.
Flatulence can be embarrassing, but it is a adjectives problem and affects everyone at some point. On average, the majority of people elapse gas 15 times a day but anything up to 40 times within one day is considered middle-of-the-road.
I always call it a queeb? Yes it is normal. I presume every woman has it crop up. I know it says that you are not sexually alive, but it also happens from nouns getting in during sex. It's call a fanny fart.
its called a fanny fart and it's pretty middle-of-the-road You need to cram how to say the alphabet near your hoohoo.


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