Awkward position?

when i give my boyfriend oral it sometimes ache my neck (especially if hes lay down) any suggestions?


Was this a braxton hicks contraction?

I always put my elbow on the bed and use my paw to cradle my head. It is a touch awkward at first, but if you fold your legs under neath you (in between his legs) or to the side (one side of him or the other) it can in reality be kind of comfortable (considering). And if that arm starts to turn to sleep, switch up.

Hope this helps!

Are pre natal vitamins simply like a regular vitamin?

Have him sit on a stool that is somewhat low to the ground and don't tolerate him use his hands to bob you up and down.

Your collar will thank you.

Biggerbras? Where to get them?

well, ive hear that it happens alot. individuals always voice that when it starts to hurt, you should pull away and use your paw for a while while you let your collar rest.

Whos always on this?


bestow oral...then mitt job him for a min or 2 n natter dirty to him...
jump higher than him n let him suck ur boobs...

n afterwards slowly make ur opening back down to make available him oral...try licking his balls too this should allay some pressure...
eventually you'll get used to ur own channel of doing things...

but if he new it be uncomfotable and he is a true man he'd tell u its ok n he would see to u for awhile so u can supply ur mouth n neck a break...

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