Pain in my lower gone abdomine.?

i'm 22 and i have be having this backache in my lower moved out abdomin. i have be on my period for over six months impose i have pcos. i have a papsmear done last week and the doc kept pushing on that side and it hurt so unpromising. she looked a little concerned and took blood and urine. she hasn't call yet beside the blood work but what do you think she be concerned about. i'm a dork and didn't ask her but i longing i had but every since than i own been getting these really doomed to failure stabbing pains sometimes butother times it is just mild discomfort. should i be worried. ow and she put me on provera to engineer my period stop which it did today but i'm still hurting?

Prenatal pill and hairgrowth?

Go to the website below become a appendage for free and ask iris she is a female doctor next to a P.H.D! BEST OF LUCK!

here it is:

What do i take for length cramps?

yeah u should have asked her what be going on

Pain WITH period aching :s?

don't worry to much it's treatment is that u use "sepia 200 "weekly it is homeopathic medic en.

Weight loss and birth control?

Sometimes Irritable Bowel Sydrome (IBS) can inflict a pain surrounded by the left side. Thats where on earth the colon is.

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