My period have a very noticable fishy smell. Should I nick Diflucan for the odor?

It's very embarassing because general public can smell it. I have the pink pill so I estimate I should take it. My inherited members convey me that they can smell it whenever I get my extent. Like when they are sitting next to me. The odor is a strong fishy odor. Yuck. Should I purloin it to be an outcaste?

Period help!!?

iono bout the pill..but i have the same problem as you when i be younger. my advice would be to bathe that area more regularly and change your wipe frequently..the smell is usually from your can try using tampons..they wont smell at adjectives...

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What could be the problem15+ days my spell has be on?

Don't take the pill - why purloin in something that will alter your body chemistry more? What you stipulation to do is go to a doctor to find out what the basis of the odor is. When you're on your period, within is an odor if you don't change your protection frequently ample, but it RARELY gets to the point where on earth other people can smell it. You really should shift to the doctor to find out if there is a more serious issue going on. In the meantime, be sure to drink lots of marine, eat properly, and vary your protection frequently. Each time you change, be sure to thoroughly verbs yourself with some soggy tissue if you need to.

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the pill wouldnt hurt u....and usually one isnt satisfactory. if u smell the same odor while have intercourse, then yes...turn ahead...if not, check near ur doctor it would be safer

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don't take the pill it is for infection, are not infected you inevitability to control the odor,..there are plentiful brands of washes douches sprays and treatments surrounded by your local grocery store,and /or pharmacy.

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Fishy smell is usually trichomonas.

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no. but you probably will anyway & it will not help for anything save for what it is designed for. see an obgyn M.D. for a pap & smears to test for any infection. It probably is a moment ago the blood on a kotex, so use a deodorized pad or try the tampax & adapt them often also.

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I suggest that you do not run the pill. Instead, I would try changing your mode of protection (tampon, pantyliner, pad) more regularly. If left on for an extended amount of time afterwards there can be a smell but it still shouldnt be "fishy". Usually, a fishy smell of the vagina indicates that near is some type of infection, most probably bacterial because a yeast infection should not have a fishy smell. I suggest that you engineer an appointment with a gynecologist contained by order to have a word about the problem you're experiencing and to see if nearby is an underlying problem that can be taken care of.

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No don't appropriate it...

You are not drinking enough dampen... Water will flush it out your system. Also, try deoderant tampons or pads. You can also put perfume on your jeans duirng that time.

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I presume you need to practice better hygiene conduct. Take two showers a day while on your interval. Make sure you change your wad or tampon on a regular basis. and don't be afraid to use some feminine deodorant spray, or sprinkle some cornstarch powder in your panties. You also may wanna try using some feminine wipe, or just plain tot wipes to freshen up through out the light of day. Hope this had be of some help.

Ladies Only Please!?

I agree near some other answers here. I think you involve to be checked out by a Dr. I work in a hospital lab and I can inform you that any time I've ever done a urine test on a woman and it smelled fishy it be a trichomonas infection. You definitely want to go and get that under control. If that's not what it is, next at the very lowest possible this is abnormal and desires to be investigated. Best Wishes!!

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