What could be the problem...15+ days my spell has be on?

my period come on on june 9th and it is still here. i haven't had any wispy days sine the first day it came on. i hold been through 3 lots of pads and partly box of tampons. what could be the problem? this happend in january and february both near a 12 and 14 day spell. called dr department and can't get surrounded by until mid july. should i go to the emergency room? i gain back misery and leg cramps when my period is on, dr give me 800MG ibuprofen for the pain which i help yourself to once a day on days when within pain.
entail advice hasty.

What kind of bladder problem could this be?

I don't want to upset you but you should see a GYN ASAP, call your doctor pay for and see if they can bump you in, except see if you can get contained by somewhere else. Bleeding like specifically obviously not majority, and it could be a cyst (not necessarily cancerous, so don't freak). Good Luck, feel better.

What if I didn't hold periods for three months,?

yes turn to emergency =you definitely obligation help in attendance

Is thier any way to brand you period come sooner minus BC pills?

i would go to the er,it sounds resembling you may have blood issues

How much time passed between your impressive Pap and your Colpscopy?

you definitely necessitate to go to a doctor, to be exact unhealthy and something is probably wrong.

Nipple problems?

If thats not average then you might want to see the ER because you could lose too much blood. Some BC will get it like that but if you havn't taken any after something else could be wrong. I have go that long before but i hold an IUD so thats normal..

Do girls close to circumcised or uncircumcised dicks ?

get tested for PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) that sounds like my symptoms earlier I was diagnosed.

What the Heck is it?

sounds close to you may need a DNC. stir to emergency room

How to stop sweating so much?

This could be a serious problem such as endometriosis, cervical cysts or even cancer. Insist you see your doctor, if they can't squeeze you in, keep calling doctors until you find one that can see you.

Im 16 And Have Really Small Breasts,Im Quite Worried What If They Just Dont Grow?

you could be have a miscarriage.
but if thats out of the question...idk

What effect if any would a women have a feeling if she took Viagra?

this happened to my mom- she have it 12 days. she went to her gyno and they put her on a low-dose of birthcontrol which roughly sorted it out, regulated it, and now she's typical again. i would suggest going to the ER where they would probably do impossible to tell apart thing.

Ok. I really inevitability some advice from women.. Guys are doesn`t matter what if you know what your talking roughly speaking..?

i cant believe he gave u 800 miligrams of ibuprofen but didnt dispense u an ultrasound or nothing. If u go threw 3 bags of pad thats alot in 2 months i would stir to emergency room as fast as i could explicitly not normal. Im not sure what is wrong but it could be a thyroid problem. Systs who know.

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