Period relieve!!?

ok... usually i have a nomal time -- i am just gonna appointment it TOM (time of month) from now on-- and lately i hold been have my TOM and then the bleeding would stop for 1-2 days later start up again.... i am 13 and a virgin. PLEASE HELP... i really dont want to ask my mom.

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TOM is a tricky thing. Chances are its common and that how your body is. But if the bleeding is as persistent as you enunciate it is for a few weeks you should tell your mom. Chances are she have the same point. She will totally understand we adjectives go through odd toms. If you get reading light headed, inexplicably bad cramps,frenzy, nausea, or head ache please please tell your mom. hope this help.

Missed Period?

this happens to me and i other thought that it was usual...i guess every girl has a different TOM that be normal for them. sometimes it is best you ask your mom, even if you dont want to. but i would read aloud that its pretty normal for you probably..

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