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to get rid of dandruff?

Answers:    Dandruff? Try these Remedies

Dandruff - flakes of dry skin on the scalp - can be bothersome and possibly degrading. Caused by eczema or seborrhea, it is often associated to climate and genetic factors, not poor grooming customs (as many inhabitants think).

There are simple measures you can take to treat dandruff:

Use a placid, non-drying shampoo or a tar shampoo day after day or every other day until the dandruff go away, then one and only about twice a week.
To restore moisture to your skin and pelt, supplement your diet with black currant grease or evening primrose oil. These provide an unusual fatty sour called GLA (gamma-linolenic acid), which promotes the hearty growth of skin and hair. Try doses of 500 mg twice a time; after six to eight weeks, when you start to see improvement, cut the dose surrounded by half.
Use freshly ground flaxseeds or fish oil in the form of sardines or manic Alaskan salmon. These excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids should help near flaking. Visit your dermatologist to be sure that your dandruff is not from an underlying scalp disease or skin infection.
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