The Pill and time zone?

I'm leaving for Maui soon and I am currently on the pill. It's working great, but as you know you own to take it at one and the same time everyday. Maui is in a completely different time zone and I purely want to know if I should bring a watch to set an alarm for the time I usually pinch it (even if that means I entail to get up at 2 am to give somebody a lift the pill) or should I take it at Maui's time? Does the body adjust to this quality of stuff? How does this work...?

Answers:    I'm pretty sure you should take it at the time you would typically take it here, not Maui. That opening, you won't confuse your body and the pill will work how it's supposed to. I give attention to waking up at 2am for a couple night is totally worth it. I hope you have fun at Maui! It's fine there :)

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