Alright girls. I have horrible cramps when i have my period. What is the best way to help?

I have severe cramping and I've already taken midol and used the hot pack. But its of late not helping very much, simply a tiny bit.

Anyone got any tips on how to soothe them?

also, does birth control abet your cramps lessen also?

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I've always any taken pamprin or exedrin for my cramps which at times can keep me contained by bed, when i was younger formerly i got on any variety of birth control i used to have cramps that would hang on to me up all darkness long and nothing but my mothers beefy pain medication would cause the pain lesson so i could sleep. consequently i got on birthcontrol and i stopped have cramps all togather until after i have my baby and stopped taking the bc later they came hindmost agian. So i would suggest that if your cramps are really bad i would win on some type of birth control. I would go see your doctor because he can opt which type will be best for your problem. Good luck =)

Is there a birth control that won't label me gain weight?

sounds more resembling ross river virus to me, get some of that blood tested

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some birth control can comfort.but everyone is for the cramps, try a hot bath, loose fitting clothes.and if you can sit next to your legs open.or cross legged near your thighs trying not to sound rude...but sitting close to thay always help me feel better from cramping.and i used to take it to the point of almost fainting.hope it feel to you doctor.if your cramping is alway that desperate there are things they can dispense you to help

how to incase the size of my breasts.?

yes, run on birth control, it helps plentifully! i still have cramps on birth control, but they aren't as severe and I can function. no tips on how to soothe the cramps you already own though. i take midol and use a heat pad and that help me, sorry.

Has anyone had any experience beside a Steel IUD being removed? Were within any complications?

When I get really unpromising cramps, I make sure I drink plenty of hose down to stay hydrated. If you lay on your side it can help relax some of those muscles within your stomach. You can also try laying surrounded by a hot bath, resembling you would to soak sore muscles. These usually help me and I achieve really bad ones most of the time- hope it help.

Is anyone here using the diaphragm as a birth control method?

you need to excises more and drinking hot river should help its what i do when i hold one those.

My period.?

When I have periods the best solution I found be through the herb Alchemilla , infuse it as a tea, or buy it dried, start a couple of days before your length is due and stop near the back of it, never failed me.

My wife and I are confused to any use contraceptive pills or the patch?

Easy tip:
Drink very hot milk beside a few drops of Rose water surrounded by helps me profoundly.

ok so what is the ideal size willy? is ther such entry as to big to wide?

the most crude way i found be really good 4 pains be walkin you should try it it really helps hope this help

I have this yellowish white discharge from my vagina..?

try a few streches and see if that help

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I own the same problem and midol could never touch my cramps. The single thing that I hold found to help is ibuprofen - and it's best to whip it before the cramps capture really bad if you can. The first light of day is always the worst for me so I appropriate it every 4 hours. I also find that if I couldn't get the ibuprofen since my cramps get really unpromising taking a hot bath help too. I usually take 600-900 mg of ibuprofen, which is just about 3 capsules. Hope that help!

Also, being on birth control never help ease my cramps. Try the ibuprofen to see if that works first previously taking hormones.

Period questions?

birth control is correct because you can skip periods i used to hold crippling pains the only piece that worked for me was nurofen as it have ibuprofen which is an anti inflamotory. Also it is best if u see a doctor so they can rule out stuff like endimetriosis as that can mete out painful period.

how do i control my pms?

Birth control does not necessarily control the cramps. I had one and the same problem years ago and the doctor told me (exact words),"Get off your butt and exrcise". He told me to do sit-ups,stretches,walking, running. Any extra movement can serve. Just give it a shot and see. My doc did not believe surrounded by handing out pills. He be great. Good luck. Oh, by the way,these might increase your flow at first, even fashion your flow last longer or shorter, but it does work great.

What could this be?

Go jog or helps. Just to hold the blood flowing...laying down will singular make it worse.

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