Can anyone give me advice on Depo Provera?

I took four or five shots of depo provera since 2005. My last shot be in March 2006. I did not bleed within 2006 at all except for in the region of 4 days in mid-December. I did not bleed after that through January 2007. February 5, 2007 I started bleeding. I bled to going on for March 1. So about 3 1/2 weeks. Then March 1 through March 25 I did not bleed. So in the region of 3 1/2 weeks. Today, I wake up and I am bleeding.

It is unyielding bc I only see my bf almost 2 or 3 times a year so its hard to be romantic when I do not know if I am going to be bleeding when he comes in. I make me feel odd if I am going to have to ask him to enjoy sex with me and I am bleeding.

Should I freshly get rear legs on Depo? All the doctors office can share me is everyone is different but if someone would have told me a year after my concluding shot I'd still be irregular I might have lately stayed on it. Has anyone else had these problems? Is in that something I can take to stop it. I hold not been on any other birth control


Spider vein and treatments?

DO NOT GO BACK ON IT!! I was on depo at 2 different times the first time i get slight side effects which i did not relate to depo as i went to the doctors near the side effects and they said nothing of it. I consequently went pay for on 3 years ago and am still suffering some of the side effects. I would suggest you go to a different doctor if they are incouraging you to stay on it. And ask for a check up to see how else it has artificial you.

I understand that you one and only see your boyfriend 2-3 times a year but this is your health and much more prized if your boyfriend loves you he will understand.

Also the women above me said more or less bioidentical hormones not the best idea for trying to set off hormones after depo i tried it, it made things worse. You need to detox the drug out of your system and consent to your body balance itself out, not put other hormones into your body bioidentical or not.

Heres a site near alot of info on depo
good luck hunny hope this help.

Has anyone from the USA had successful plastic surgery within the Dominican Republic and how was it arranged?

don't do it. jump buy the book by Suzanne Somers: Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones. buy it at the book store, amazon or ebay. it will tell you that women should never thieve the pill.

Birth Control Pills and Breast Cancer
November 22nd, 2006

As Dorian noted in NewsSquawk a few weeks wager on, a meta-analysis of breast cancer data only just revealed a statistically significant correlation between use of the contraceptive pill prior to full-term pregnancy and premenopausal breast cancer.

I finally got a moment to hop over to Procedings, the chronicle of the Mayo Clinic that reported on the study, and while the article itself is limited to subscribers, the editorial that offer analysis on the findings is open to adjectives.

First off, I be amazed to read that the International Agency for Research on Cancer, which is part of the World Health Organization, categorized the contraceptive pill as a carcinogen in 2005. Granted, I’ve be a bit baby wrapped up for the last couple of years, but I cannot believe I never read this report anywhere. Did it get any press? If not, why not?

Now for the findings…it appears that women who own ever used birth control pills have a ”small but statistically significant increased risk of breast cancer”. Furthermore, use of the Pill back having one’s first full-term pregnancy is more strongly associated near breast cancer than being on the Pill after have delivered a kid. The association is even stronger where these pre-baby Pill users be on birth control pills for four years or more. (The editorial further notes, “A complex risk of breast cancer for OC use before first full-term pregnancy be first described more than 25 years ago by Pike et al…” - again, I’m very surprised that evidence linking the Pill and breast cancer have been uncovered for so long, beside so little press.).

Posted by MommaSteph.

from Suzanne's book:

Those of us who were on the imaginative birth control pills for any length of time were if truth be told on synthetic hormones- strong synthetic hormones. Any wonder why women of our generation are beneath siege from an epidemic of breast and ovarian cancers? There is a knit, and you'll learn more just about it in this book.

Read on and see if you relate to my scenario: As I said, for twenty-two years, I be on synthetic birth control pills, the original ones that be very strong. I even manipulate my periods beside them, if I didn't want to have a term on a particular weekend. I freshly didn't realize what was surrounded by those birth control pills, nor did I understand the danger of messing with temperament.

I did not realize that having with the sole purpose a two-day bleed meant that I be not ovulating fully. At the time, I thought it was great to own such a light time of year. I did not realize that the importance of ovulation within the human female body is to agree to the brain know that I was capably, healthy, and reproductive. As far as my brain be concerned, I was not reproductive because I be not fully ovulating. An ovulating woman is a reproductive woman.

To believe that the body is not fully ovulating is a dangerous assumption for the brain to generate. If the brain perceives us as unable to reproduce, its brief, biologically speaking, is to try to eliminate us to spawn room for the reproductive ones. This is the nature within us. This is the template that was programmed surrounded by us from ancient times. Thus, this hormonal imbalance that I unknowingly put myself in be creating a backdrop for cancer. Why? Because we adjectives have cancer contained by us, but as long as we are hormonally balanced, the brain perceives us as immature, strong, and healthy. If we become imbalanced, this signals to the brain that the reproductive system is no longer in working command, and it is in this scenario that the cancer have a chance to come into one.

You see, cancer proliferates in an environment of hormonal disparity. This is why I believe that Western medicine's standard of vigilance, well-meaning as it is, is treating us incorrectly. Western medicine is looking at everything except the unmistakable. Western medicine is trying to poison the cancer out of us, further wreaking havoc next to our hormonal systems.

Then, to prevent recurrence, we are given hormone ablation drugs such as tamoxifen or Femara, which interfere near the body's ability to read the hormones contained by some parts of the body. Plus, for many women these drugs incentive horrible side effects. To me, it doesn't make sense to cart any drug that prevents new hormones from individual made in our bodies or to eradicate off any of the little bit of hormones we might own left. Why have Western medicine be trying to outthink nature? We are given spurious hormones that don't replicate exactly what our bodies make intrinsically, and doctors are expecting them to work in the same means of access or better. It hasn't worked. Look around. Are the women you know doing well from midlife on? Most everyone have complaints, from mild to severe. No wonder women are in such bad shape.

Once you apprehend the importance of your brain perceiving the body as reproductive--our "brain template"--it will be easier for you to product decisions for yourself. We assume that the professionals who are taking attention of us know what they are doing. But they can't know what they haven't been skilled, and unless you find yourself a doctor such as the ones.


do not take it i took it for two rounds when i be 18 i am now 24 and never acquire a period, i gain weight, alot of women enjoy that problem with depo, simply do anything else but that.

Should i do this? i really want to?

I don't think that i hold ever known anybody who have been on the depo shot for awfully long to have anything flawless to say going on for it. I was on it for two years and by the come to an end of the first six months i had stopped bleeding altogheter. When i finally stopped taking it because a doctor i be seeing gave me this two page roll of all the side effects that the depo shot have on the body, believe me those two pages freaked me out. For give or take a few six months after i stopped taking the shot i probably had two period, on that lasted give or take a few two days and one that lasted three weeks. My period didn't become normal until after i have my baby. It also cause me to go from a 106lbs at the start of taking the shot to 145 after i finally come off of it. I gain that weight within only three months too. So i would suggest that if you walk on any kind of birth control to regulate your interval i would try a low dose bc pill. Good luck =)

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