monistat reaction/ fever rising problem?

hey everyone i thought i had a yeast infection since i have been itching and burning a bit, but it go away, and it didnt always come on or bother me. so i get monistat1 and took it during the day so it melt and stuck onto me and i didnt realize ur supposed to take it at hours of darkness. well a hour or so after i started getting grotesque nauseated stomach , like coming in breakers, then a rising frenzy that only stays away next to taking tylnol every 4 hours. then diarreah. i go to see a urgent care doctor and he think it's a stomach bug. so im not sure whats going on, bc it's still here. and freaking me out. please help if anyone know or has any conception. im scheduled to see a gynecologist/regular doctor latter today. im hoping 1:30 will hurry up and get here, i'm response really weak and tired. i'm really really apprehensive as well which isn't helping my situation.


Hey simply for the girlies plz .. bois too but myt not be much help .. ok when?

Go to the doctor right away, souds close to you have a leading infection, like toxic shock.

Did anybody experience a great deal of hormone changes after their first couple times have sex?

you need to step to a regular emergency room. you have a chief infection going on

Do tampons make you cramp worse?

See if you can take in to your gyn very soon!! Don't wait, consent to them know what is going on, drive there and inform them you can't wait and as soon as the Dr have a second, they should be able to see what is going on. Don' loaf even an hour.

Does anyone have any well brought-up remedies for menstral cramps?

Seriously see a dr and get checked out. This sounds approaching more than a yeast inf. Not to alarm you but these can sometime be signs of a more serious infection such as an std. I dont know a lot around that but it sounds like you should travel to a gyno and be checked thoroughly to be safe.

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