I want my periods to stop. I have severe PMDD. What can I do?

I'm 21, married, and both my husband and I have no adjectives plans to have children.

I enjoy severe PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) and it takes a toll on our wedding ceremony. Medications have not help. I would just close to to get rid of period altogether. What can I do to ELIMINATE PMDD? (not just relieve the symptoms of it)

I also own endometriosis and a prolapsed uterus that causes me a large amount of pelvic pain.

I believe a full hysterectomy is out of the question, not because carriage children would no longer be an option, but because of the hormonal shift I would experience.

I do not want a treatment that will for always affect our sex life.

Please relieve me find out what treatment options are available.


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The best thing to do is to win on the birth control pill. It will regulate your periods and take away the PMDD because you don't ovulate.
Talk to your doctor about it. Just a alert though.the first month on the pill is hell. You will feel similar to crap daily beside headaches, nausea etc...but after that initial hump, you will fell much better so stick next to it!

i feel tierd adjectives the time,been to doctors have many test all clear,what could it be?

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WELL, you could move about 4 a hystrorectomy , thats every thing removed. BUT that would throw you into the revision of life soon. SOME times the DRs use a birth control treatment. ASK your DR roughly speaking that birthcontrol treatment.

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Other than a hysterectomy ask your doctor about that contemporary birth control pill that is said to enjoy 4 periods a year...can't remember the term of it but your doctor will know.good luck

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I understand your anguish. I'm only 24 and enjoy had scratchy periods since at 12. I don't know anything something like PMDD, but I know a lot give or take a few endometriosis b/c I too suffer from that condition. I recommend talking to your doctor b/c NOTHING help my painful period.not even birth control. I couldn't move for 2 days or sometimes the entire week I was on my extent.
Your doctor may put you on continuous birth control to skip your periods. I have to have an exploratory laparoscopy to hold the endometriosis and scar tissue burned past its sell-by date and she also removed a fibrous tumor the size of my fist. My doctor also prescribed lupron which is a powerful injection that I get once a month, but you can with the sole purpose get it for six months b/c its so strong and have serious side effects. Lupron does cause a hormonal shift and I don't own my period while on it.
I wouldn't recommend a hysterectomy b/c you are so youthful and you may change your mind. I do importantly recommend talking to your doctor b/c endometriosis is serious and to tag on PMDD it seems close to you may be in affliction half of the month. I also wouldn't recommend Lupron b/c it took me a couple of months after my surgery to desire if I was going to run it. Its definately an individual choice.
Talk to your doctor and if your doctor is not understanding...catch a new doctor. You should not own to go through this every month.

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