What should i do with this thrush?

Had thrush for just over a week, I havent treated it however because I am on anti biotics, which im guessing is what caused it. And nearby wont be much point yet. But its really tender when rubbing on my underwear. What should i do? Treat it? What would happen if I not here it another couple of days? Would it get worse or own a long term effect?



Q. How is it treated?
A. Treatment is customarily simple and straightforward.

You may be given tablets (pessaries) to put directly into your vagina and a soothing cream to put on your skin to ease the itching and soreness. Sometimes you might bring back a tablet to take by mouth.

Q. Can I relief myself ?
A. Some women find it soothing to dip a tampon into live yoghurt and put it directly into the vagina (the natural germs in the yoghurt may lend a hand soothe the infection). If you want to try this, make sure you enjoy live yoghurt, which is sometimes labelled “Bio” yoghurt.

Q. Should my partner be treated?
A. Thrush is not caught by have sex so treatment should not be necessary. However, sometimes men catch yeast caught in the skin of their penis which cause itching. if this happens, a cream can be used to clear it up.

Q. Can I prevent thrush?
A. Some women hold repeated bouts of thrush, and it is not clear what causes this. There are things you can do to facilitate reduce the kismet of attacks:

Avoid wearing tights, nylon underwear or tight fitting trousers.

Avoid using perfumed soaps or bubble hip bath, vaginal deodorants, douches and disinfectants.

After going to the toilet, always wipe from front to vertebrae to avoid getting germs into the vagina.

If you get thrush when you use antibiotics, it may be worth asking your doctor to give you treatment for thrush at duplicate time.

If you are prone to thrush, you might want to try these suggestions. However, there is no evidence that shifting your diet or stopping taking the contraceptive pill will prevent attacks.

Q. Bacterial vaginosis What is it?
A. This infection happens when germs, which normally live surrounded by the vagina in small numbers, grow and cause symptoms, it is not clear why this happen, but we know that having sex does not create it.

Q. What are the symptoms?
A. Vaginal discharge, which is usually grey, but may vary surrounded by colour and/or a fishy smell, often notice during and after sex.

Q. How is it diagnosed?
A. Your doctor will do an examination and thieve a sample of the discharge. Usually they can variety a diagnosis straight away because of the typical appearance of the discharge.

Q. How is it treated?
A. Treatment is simple and is given in the form of tablets (metronidazole (flagyl)) or an antibiotic cream. Partners do not want treatment, but sometimes the infection can reoccur and you may need some further treatment.

Q. Trichomonas infection ("TV" or "Trichs") What is it?
A. This is a sexually transmitted infection, which cause irritation and inflammation of the walls of the vagina.

Q. What are the symptoms?
A. These will vary, and some women may hold no symptoms; if you have symptoms, they may include:

o vaginal discharge, which is commonly thin and runny and may be yellow or green (it can sometimes enjoy an unpleasant smell)

o itching or soreness in the genital area

o discomfort during sex

o discomfort when passing urine.

Q. How is it treated?
A. It is slickly treated with tablets you lug by mouth, such as metronidazole (flagyl). It is important that your partner is treated as very well, since men generally hold no symptoms but may be carrying the infection.

If you are concerned and think you may hold one of these infections, or you are worried about any sexually transmitted infection, you can refer yourself to the local Genito-Urinary Medicine (GUM) Clinic for expert suggestion and treatment. The telephone number for your local clinic will be in the phone book underneath GUM Clinic.

Bought a preg test?

Treat it. If you be off it there is the risk that the infection will travel into the womb.
You necessitate to use either the oral tablet or a pessary, cream on its own will make less burdensome the symptoms but will not get rid of it.

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Eat lots of yogurt while you are antibiotics. The live moving cultures help prevent the yeast from over-producing and cause thrush. It can also help treat it, but you may want to get some monistat (or something similar) if you are referring to a yeast infection. You should start treating it very soon. There is no use making yourself miserable until you are off your meds.

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Thrush is unpleasant and antibiotics do produce it. You can use Canasten cream which you can get from the chemist in need prescription. Natural yogurt is very obedient too. Don't leave it too long.

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No point in waiting if you are very discomfited. Hopefully your antibiotics were for a condition which really necessary them, bearing surrounded by mind that 50-85% of all antibiotics for ALL conditions are thought to be unnecessary. It reinforces my belief that you should other be wary of doctors stance gifts.

If you use a combination of the 200mg Canesten pessaries one a night for 3 night + local cream, the longer treatment regime may be useful.

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when you treat it please remember to treat your partner too

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I'm a student and canesten is expensive. trust me the longer you leave it, the more horrible it get!! I don't know if it can cause you long residence damage, but it won't be doing you any virtuous, put it that way. Try using the canestan oral medication things, they're supposed to be amazing. I usually use the pessary and cream (if finances allow lol) and that does the trick too. Someone i know swears by wearing a tampon dipped in natural yoghurt... i've never tried it myself though.

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I used to go and get thrush quite alot and its best to treat it as soon as possible. You usually find that once uve have it,it comes back a few times too.The oral tablet didnt work for me, i used have to use the pessary and the cream and although its expensive its better than itching and being sore down at hand all the time! To prevent getting thrush again try not to wear tight jeans alot if you do and wear cotton knickers. Also when you enjoy been to the toilet wipe from front to put a bet on because it can cause cross infection if you dont.

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