Ok.one of my breast is bigger than the other.the lefted one is smaller than my right one. what do you think?

I kno i dont have cancer
and i am 13 years old
and my disappeared one is a smaller then my right one
i call for help cuz i dont kno wut to do

Possibly pregnant?

Hey im 15 and one of my ball is bigga than the other one but doc said it was ok, so yours must be ok too.

Why am i starting my period late?

This is in principle normal, since you're 13 and still developing.

But if you're worried around it, make an appointment near an OB-GYN (gynocologist) to check it out.

Good luck!

My Mom has Cervical Cancer?

It's adjectives and in ur defence it is explicit, that's all. Actually every piece of human beings which are in pair must vary, bcos of the diaphragm present below the lungs chamber.

I take Microgestin and am on my FOURTH at rest pill and haven't gotten my period. What's going on?

How small is it? If its basically marginal then girl you gotta hang on to your head cool. Its mundane. But if its out of shape, later you gotta consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, life is full of surprises. Why embezzle chances. You better check up. Dont verbs.

Girls Advice!?

thats generally common if your just starting puberty , one will appear slightly bigger than the other and should even out when you get elder and stop growing

would u dump a guy if he couldn't STAY HARD?

One thing I hear you can do is rub the area around your breast to see if their are any unusual bumps.

If their both indistinguishable shape but different sizes it's highly unlikely you hold cancer.

Could be a genetic disorder. I just don't know.

I freshly found I have PCOS few minutes ago?

Very adjectives. More people are unsymmetrical, than are symmetrical.

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There's surely nothing to do. This is completely commonplace and nothing you should be worried roughly speaking. Pretty much every women has somewhat different sized breasts. At your age, you've still get a lot of developing to do. The types of solutions that are out within for women with a really big difference within their breasts, such as surgery, aren't an option at your age, or anything that should even be on your mind. Have fun mortal 13 and don't stress about it.

I enjoy this rash on my fund thigh i just started my term again too?

trust me im 13 and have same problem its middle-of-the-road

What fodds/drinks should I avoid when I get my length?

this is perfectly typical, 90% of the questions you will own about your mind an body hold been experienced by countless other girls your age . Nothing geographically is symmetrical, Every woman with inherent breasts has one bigger than the other. It is duplicate way that Apples adjectives grow on the same tree but not adjectives are identical

Last month I have my period, adjectives normal, usually I'm regular, consequently 2 days after my period endend?

when your breast are starting to grow and one is other bigger than the other one so what is going on is normal outstandingly normal.

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That seems to be pretty adjectives. Maybe you could concentrate on using the left side of your body more. There are muscles lower than your breasts, that can be increased in size byweight training. Did you notice some body builders hold big shests, but very limited breast tissue over them, but still look good. The exercize may serve to stimulate growth there too because of the increased circulation. Also in attendance is a theory that thinking going on for something a lot make it work better.

I was wondering?

Welcome to the wonderful world of one a woman. :) The only women who hold perfect breasts are the ones who hold been surgically altered! I'm 33, and my departed breast has be almost a whole cup size smaller than the right one since I be your age. Don't sweat it, most people can't even make clear to anyway.

What would happen if you used a tampon when your not on your time?

well the same item happened to me too so dont verbs about it your breasts will stop growing and they will be like peas in a pod size but for now only just stuff your left breast and dont stuff to much or return with a padded tavern so dont worry everything will turn out great


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variety is the spice of duration. my ex had one bigger than the other and it be fine with me.

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Asymmetry is normal. If you be to look carefully at my chest you'd see that the right side sticks out slightly more than the departed, and that my sternum is tilted accordingly. And my snout points slightly to the right. And one of my eyes is slightly higher than the other.

We grow smoothly. We are not precision-made in a factory. It's easier to give an account us apart that way.

How did you discern,when you went to the "docter"?

uhhh, if you've notice? everything on yourleft side is smaller than on hte right. your hand, foot, ear, tit, ribs. respectively side of the brain controls a different side of the body, even its growth, so everyone is lopsided, every chick has a boob bigger than the other. my departed testicle hangs lower than my right, am i complaining?NOOOOO>your fine

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