Always Tired? What may be wrong with me?

I'm constantly tired, and always emotion sick to my stomach, and like the existence is drained out of me. With muscle pains, constant headaches, other feeling green about the gills, dizzy and sensitive to light. Don't do drugs, don't bear medicines, freshly been resembling this for a while. If left alone I can sleep for days at a time. Then sometimes can't sleep at adjectives, even if I'm exosted. How can I stop this, I hate man sick like this. I lone eat conceivably a meal or two a light of day and sometimes it all comes up. Everyone say it's stress but is it really just stress?

Mooncups - opinion?

Get your thyroids checked. Go here and see if you fall into more of the category. Good luck and take nurture!

Is there basis for concern when spotting dark blood?

Different Vitamin Deficiencies
Mood Disorders
Go to the doc, draw from some basic blood work to rule out the simple stuff.

Can pills really variety your breasts bigger?

why ask a bunch of idiots on here get to a doctor

this come about tonight why isit that your wife or grilfriend will tease you near there thongs or g- string?

thats how i am sometimes lately, its because my energy is so busy now. But you should have a chat to your doctor they will tell you whats going on

Hi im 19 years outdated. i have this bump on my vagina, resembling on the lips. and it be pink sometimes.?

It could be abundantly of things.

Have you had your thyroid tested? Sometimes a sluggish thyroid can spawn you feel really sluggish.

I'd recommend a call on to your doctor.

It could also be stress, depression, and a host of other things. Any chance you're pregnant?

I hope you consistency better soon!

Ladies how do you feel almost this.THIS IS SAD!?

Have a sleep study done. You may have sleep apnea. I dont know if I spelled it right. I fellow member of staff was close to that and he had the examination done, found out he had it, they put him on a breathing type contraption and he is 100% better.

Okay i did somethin to my neck which made it bleed how do i bring in it stop fast! because its not stopping at all

could be diabetes, iron defect or a list of other things. stress does front to sleeping disorders, but, you should see your doctor and get your blood tested.

Two Questions more or less Birth Control techniques - would resembling answers with source textile?

you eaither dont get plenty sleep at night, or u obligation to take those pills

ur body maynot know how to handle the sleeping hours u enjoy

(drink caffine)

Pink, is it bad?

Stress can do that. I enjoy felt the exact same road.too much going on. When I started taking vitamins, especially fish oil, I instantly feel better, and they aren't too expensive. You might want to look into taking some herbal supplements as well, and most adjectives can be found at your local Walmart.

How big is a normal penis?

you should achieve your thyroid checked out you have greatly of the symptoms of a under-active thyroid

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eat more food..or smaller amount whatever the covering may be.
people regularly get tired right after eating[especially turkey] lol.

but after reading i deem you should see a DOCTOR. he could help you a together lot better then we ever could =)

:( i entail help?

Yah step to see a doctor right away. I'm not a doctor so don't take this as a prognosis but you give the impression of being to have a great deal of symptoms an ex girlfriend had. You might hold some thyroid problems, possibly hypothyroidism ( think that's how you spell it).

You requirement to get medication to prolong your thyroid if that's what you have. It might also be something else close to Mono, but yah go to the doctor and take your thyroid checked out.

Bumps on the back of my legs?


how long one can hitch DnC after missed abortion?

maybe u have liver problems

my gf doesnt use birth control she have a marina or something what is that?

Take 2 tbls. apple cider vinegar in a glass of hose down 2-3 x day or since a meal for its 93 vitamins and minerals. Drink 6-8 specs of water to bring rehydrated. Sip both during the day. ACV will label your energy smooth high. I am 50 years older but have the spirit level of someone contained by their twenties. Hair and nails grow, cure depression, aid digestion, cure acne, cure sour reflux. I know you might think it will not work, but it will if you pass ACV a chance.

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alot of your symptoms nouns like your not getting ample sleep, the diziness, headaches, sensetive to pallid, drained out feeling, muscle pains, i be getting all these ans i go dr for blood tests and adjectives was ok, i be just not getting satisfactory sleep, you need to obtain out more, and when your tired sleep, but u do need more sleep at darkness or u wont feel any better, pious luck, from a zombie of the past

drink some energy drinks and nick vitamins too

yeast infect..?

could it be that you are pregnant...those are the symptoms...but if that's not the NO stress is not the answer. I know i'm always stressed. It's more of a medical may be anemic. turn to your Doctor and tell them you want to hold some blood work done and let them know adjectives the symptoms you have. I hope it's nought serious, Good luck!. try resting and if you can go for a small stroll, the fresh air will do you alot of honourable.Try sitting in a bench at the park,bring a water bottle and stay shaded...let us very soon what the doctor says..

Every month, I regard as I am going to get my interval, and I don't. Why?

I suggest seeing a chiropractor. I feel similar to a new character since I have be going.
You may have some depression, and/or anxiety, too & I would parley to a Dr
good luck and I hope you consistency better soon!

My sister has a hernia the size of a volley no practical joke and i asked on yahoo because ive tried everything else?

it's a good conception to go achieve checked out by your doctor. i had alike problems. they concluded it was a combination of stress and anemia. you also may be undernourished.

I'm 5'3" and 97 pounds, what can I do to gain weight besides drink more?

You describe what could be several things including diabetes. My suggestion would be to see a doctor who can quickly diagnose if it is diabetes , stress or anything else.


did you ever enjoy your iron level checked?my girlfriend use to be resembling that,until she started taking B-100S vitamins.

Guys i need honest answers please?

Sounds approaching depression, however, there are so lots things it could be.

Only a complete blood workup will tell. Suggest you see your primary ASAP and insist on one. Don't agree to anyone tell you it's nerves and try to blow you stale with tranquilizers.

A devout doctor will run tests first, afterwards offer transquilizers if adviseable. Could be serious - could be zilch. No one here can diagnose.

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