Mooncups - opinions?

Hello! I've just bought a mooncup, they're ecofriendly sanitary thingies and be wondering if anyone had experience near them and what they think?

also, if you hold used them what were the reason (environment, allergies, ease etc?)

What nice?

They're AWESOME! I had one for three years until I finally lost it on a backpacking trip (packed it in my dog's backpack along w/other 1st aid stuff, and she go swimming and the backpack floated away down the river - haha). They will save you a TON of money because they are reusable. They do receive a bit of a stink going on at about the fifth hours of daylight, but since you are lighter by that time in your cycle anyway, just a 15 min. soak in some vinegar dampen should take concern of that problem. I like it becaues it doesn't perceive so DRY when you take it contained by and out like tampons, you'll never be short it or "run out" at an inconvenient time/place, and I was worried going on for toxic shock syndrom from tampons. I also get pretty generous clots sometimes, and those just slip right by a tampon and ooze out. The mooncup will catch it. The sucky piece though is when you need to rinse it in a public bathroom. My suggestion is to take a sm. bottle of marine w/you. Or you can just wipe it dry w/ some T.P. Good luck!

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