Is there cause for concern when spotting dark blood?

(not me) there explanation for concern when spotting dark blood?

Why do women claim.?

If the personality is female and not pregnant; and it is coming from the vaginal conduit; not necessarily. Some women spot mid month when ovulating, and it is dark. Many doctors say-so period blood should start fluffy red and at the end be extremely dark, but every woman is different. It is even possible to spot when the womans cycle is interrupted by other females or otherwords trying to renovation to get within sync with alien female coworkers, etc.. See, the doctor anyway lately in armour. In the meantime, take ibuprofren it may lessen the blood.

Is it true that .. ? (please answer)?

if this contained by the stool yes =get a Dr to check it out

girls only.?

no impeccably normal for a term!

REALLY WORRIED!! please help me, i'd really appreciate it?

It is typical when starting or ending your extent. Older blood is darker contained by color.

why pms now?

it could be a sign of an carbuncle. see a doctor.

Does getting sterilized decrease the aspiration to have a child?

Yes, in that is cause for concern. It could be cause by an ectopic pregnancy (fetus in the Fallopian tube). Commonly call tubal pregnancy. This is life threatening. The poorly lit blood spotting occurs when near is a rupture of the fallopian tube because of such small space that the fetus has no room to grow. The woman should desire treatment right away.

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