I'm thinking about going on the pill?

i am thinking about going on the pill as i am sexually live and i think it would correct to take extra precautions.
but some of my friends hold been on it and complained of other feeling depressed and unwell while they were using it.
i be just wondering if it is worth it or not?

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try what the doctors perscribes first it might be a case of trial and error to find which one suits you best.next to me I put on extra weight on one bramd but the doctor chnged me onto another lower dosge one and I get on fine then

How much you should devour when you have your spell?

all pills vary beside side effects. generally, they trade name you a bit bloated but theyre great for getting rid of period misery and keeping you "regular"! a good one to try is microgynon 30.but travel to you gp and see what he thinks first, flawless luck xxx

p.s well done for wanting to pay attention!

just to donate, depending on your age i suppose it could highten your teenage mood swings, making you cry and stuff. i started when i be a bit older so i a moment ago had the usual bad-mood-bear days!

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I've be on the pill for 11 years and have never suffered depression. There are some side effects similar to weight gain, poor skin, heavier or lighter period, loss of sex drive, etc I have not suffered any of these but if you do in recent times meantion it when you go for check up and they will hold an eye on you and change your type of pill if they verbs. Go for it very secure too

it's been 36 days.?

I utter it is very worth it. It keep you safe from one pregnant. Isn't that a good entity?

Period question.spotting/hot flash (serious answers only)!?

It really depends on your age. The younger you are, the harder the time your body MAY enjoy adjusting to it (possibly why your friends are fear depressed and ill). Also, it will take your body a while to adjust to any pill, but you can other talk to your doctor and ask which is best for you.

As far as whether or not it's worth it...thats up to you. I hold a steady cycle and that's basically the grounds why i'm not on the pill. there's a well brought-up chance that if you start taking the pill, your cycle will be thrown bad, or in some cases population gain weight, contained by other cases people break out (again, depending on the type of pill you get). Best bet is to ask your doctor.

Is this middle-of-the-road?

The pill if effective within preventing pregnancy, however, there are masses side effects attached to it. Depression and weight gain are two of those that women most frequently complain give or take a few. Many women frequently change their method of hormonal birth control because they can't find one that doesn't hold the negative side effects.

The mentality aft the pill is that pregnancy is a disease. No other normal human condition is stigmatized as much as pregnancy, and no other middle-of-the-road human condition has a pill approved to treat it that have a laundry list of side effects, both short occupancy and long term.

Is it worth it? It depends on the woman. Some say aloud it is, some say it isn't. I'd recommend checking out raw family planning - it is only as effective at avoiding pregnancy short all the side effects. And it is necessarily free.

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The type of birth control I am taking is called the Nuva Ring. If you are not used to with it, the nuva ring is a small,clear, flexible ring i.e. inserted into the vagina for 3 weeks. After the third week, you remove it and get your term. Exactly one week after you have removed the nuva ring you put a current one in and repeat the cycle. I own been using this form of birth control for almost a year and I love it. It's great because I don't enjoy to remember to take a pill everyday. If you are sexually moving and do not want to get pregnant at this time contained by your life, birth control is definately worth taking. I hold never experienced any side effects such as depression or feeling under the weather since I have be using the Nuva Ring. It actually have made my periods milder too! Before making any decision you should talk to your O.B./GYN physician. I hope everything works out for you!

i be thinking about buying a dildo. what do you guess?

Every woman reacts differently to oral contraceptives. In certainty, the same woman can counter differently to the same formulation of the pill at different times within her life. Even a physician cannot predict what your allergic reaction might be to the pill. If a particular group of the pill causes discouraging side effects, sometimes switching to another brand or formulation will cause the side effects to lessen or disappear. Also, it tend to get better beside time - doctors recommend you try the pill for at least 3 months formerly you give up on it or switch to a different formulation due to side effects.

If you're looking for anecdotal evidence, I be on the pill twice in my lifetime - once when I be 18 (for about two years) and after again when I was 28 (for more or less six months). In both cases, I was taking the generic equivalent to Ortho Cyclen (a monophasic pill, so the level of hormones in the pill do not move throughout your cycle).

The first time, I took the pill not for birth control (I was a virgin at the time), but because I have very long, sore periods (8-9 days) and serious acne problems. My doctor suggested that I run on the pill to regulate my cycle and help near the skin problems. I didn't experience any of the common adverse side effects (water retention, moodiness), my time of year became much more endurable (4 days of light flow), and my skin cleared up without beating about the bush. It was great. I eventually go off the pill two years subsequently because I lost my health insurance for a while. Even after I go off the pill, my cycle stayed regular and my skin didn't bring back bad.

The second time I go on the pill, it was for birth control (I am immediately in a long-term monogamous relationship and we are both disease-free). Even though it be the exact same formulation that I took 10 years earlier, the side effects be terrible. I be bloated and depressed for the first 3 months. Around month 4, I started experiencing break-through bleeding during the third week of active pills. By month 6, I be bleeding for 2 weeks every month. My skin also got dramatically worse, next to lots of widespread breakouts across my facade. My doctor offered to switch me to a different pill, but I decided that it a moment ago wasn't worth it.

There's no way to communicate until you try it. Talk to your physician.

Birth control. check up?

There are different types of pill. You just enjoy to be patient and see which one suits you best. Some hold higher doses of hormones than others. Just try a low one at first to see how you charge. Cilest is one that comes to mind.

flab above your crotch?

I was put on the pill to stop excessive bleeding. Nuvaring, be my fav because it was 2/3rds smaller quantity hormones and you can't even feel it.

That human being said...weigh your options practically.

Thanks to being on the pill...I cannot hold children now :) Nice, huh.

Weight loss tips please.?

I enjoy been on the birth control pill for 7 years very soon and haven't experienced any major side effects. It have cleared up my skin and helped my extent become more regular, lighter, and shorter in length. You should try it out, if one isn't right for you, try another, and if they both don't work for you, afterwards go past its sell-by date of them. Birth control pills aren't a long term commitment. "Natural Family Planning" is free, but does require a time commitment and requires you to abstain from sex for significant portions of respectively menstrual cycle. This is simply not practical for plentiful women.

Missed Periodconfusing.?

There are many different types of pill. Go to your Doctor or family circle planning clinic and they will explain the differences and the side effects. You can try one and if it doesn't suit you can change it. The pill doesn't agree next to everyone but there are millions of women using the pill who enjoy no side effects at all. Everyone is different, don't run by anyone elses experiences. If the pill does not work for you, you can come off it and try another type of precaution. If you are a single woman, you should still use condoms. The pill does not protect you from STD's, it is with the sole purpose an added protection in luggage of any mishaps.

Is it common for a girl to be in motion on a peiod for four weeks then stop for two days and own it agin for five week

You may want to talk to your doctor give or take a few a low-hormone pill.

Mine prescribed OrthoTri-Cyclen Lo for me, because the last time I be on the Pill (Yasmine), it made me sick to my stomach.

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trust me its not worth it!! i had a discouraging reaction to it years ago and lost loads of my hackle!! it has taken ages for my down to grow back properly! extraordinarily bad stuff!!

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I used the pill Mycrogynon for 4 years and didn't own any problems with it. I'm in a minute using Evra the contraceptive patch, instaed of taking the pill every day I alteration the patch once a week. There are many different types of contraceptive, why not create an appointment at your GP to see a nurse or doctors and they can explain all the side effects of different contraceptives. If one doesn't work out for you its no problem varying it.

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I went on the pill when i be 15 due to heavy bleeding. I have to try 3 differnt pills until i found the right one for me, i eventually decided on microgynon 30. I didnt really hold any side affects from it apart from nausea. I didnt think i have put any weight on any until i recently established to come off it and lost a stone! unambiguously the weight crept on slowly and i didnt spy.Personally overall I think it is a honourable idea to dance on the pill as it is a good form of contaception however u must remember it does not protect you against STI's so it other a good perception to still use some other form of contraception as well.Go and own a chat with your doctor or nurse and im sure they will sort out the right one for you.Hope this help!

Bleeding when using a vibrator - normal or not?

I'm 16 and hold just started going on the (pop) pill i own had no side effects so far and they are potent for me anyway.

Is too discharge much bad?

hey pills enjoy diff effects on people. instinctively im on the pill, and im 18..ive been on them sincei be 16...so far so good !
i judge it is worth a try..especially if your sexually active ;-)
post me back if ya wanna chat next to me.

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