Is it common for a girl to go on a peiod for four weeks then stop for two days and have it agin for five week

ive benn on my peiod the whole month of convoy mostlt i started on march 17 and stopped onm convoy 22 and and had it agin om demonstration 25 t and have have it since i wonder whats wrong with me is it a disease


Sex Question!?

It's not a disease. s period are crazy sometimes. Stress can make it budge off at any time. I have mine for three weeks once and then it skipped for four months. Just a few weeks ago I have it and it came again four days then. If the problem persists, you should progress see a doctor because you might have a problem but most potential it's just irregularity. Much Love and Luck!

What is the possibility of becoming pregnant while taking birth control.?

Only if you enjoy a hormonal disorder like PCOS or a hormonal inconsistency.

Otherwise, it is not normal.

See a Gyn.

Can a entity have a masectomy if they hurt fairly a bit there?

no it is not right for you to own it that long =get to a Dr and have yourself checked out ok=good luck

Is here a website where in that are ways to have a miscarriage?

No- this is not regular. Any bleeding that lasts for 10 or more days requests to be evaluated by a doctor to determine the cause. If you are shifting one or more pads or tampons within an hour or less you necessitate to see a doctor immediately as this can organize to anemia. Period abnormalities can be due to masses things including stress, weight gain/loss, thyroid, hormonal inequity, infection, illness, medication, polyp, cyst, amongst other reasons. The simply way to know for sure exactly what is going on is to see your doctor for an exam and conducting tests.

Question for the girls?

many people own irregular periods for no authentic reason. you may requirement to see your Dr, not because anything is wrong but every female requirements that yearly exam and you could mention this to your Dr at this call in

Question for women who have gone through menopause and how it artificial your sex drive?

Something is wrong. Are you on any type of birth control pill? Or have you only gone off of birth control pills? This can motive this type of problem. If this is not the case beside you then you should keep hold of track of your period for the subsequent month and make a doctor's appointment. Tell the doctor what have been going on and later he or she will know what type of test to do to determine what is wrong.

Please give support to! i want bigger legs what is the best work out ( not a gym person)?

Similar happened to me when I be younger, I was feeling guilty to go to the doctors but concluded up going, It turned out to be I had a miscarriage, didn't even know i be pregnant and because i didn't get 'cleaned out' it be gradually releasing and discarding over time...Go to your Dr and take checked out..

What is the best way to bring rid of period cramps?

It could be, depending on your age. If your menstrual cycle is still "new", later it will be irregular for a while, meaning that it will be a bit unpredictable. I'm 15, and when my time was still "new", I couldn't track the cycle; sometimes I would be on my time for only a few days, and next other times it would feel as if I be on it forever. My period be irregular for a few years before it be finally "regular", and this could be the case for you. If not, than it could be a problem that you should look into next to your doctor.

A question almost vaginal discharge?

well it could be normal but not likley. your cycle is getting used to your body

What do you do next to those little pregancy tests you can use at home?

No this is not run of the mill. Any bleeding that lasts for 10 or more days requests to be evaluated by a doctor. There could be serious problems.

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