Muscular Problems in my lower back.?

I have a constant backache, have gone to the doctor I was refered to a physiotherapist.

She informed me thatmy muscles be really weak and that she have only see this sort of damage after women enjoy given birth.

I have never have children and am at a loss as to what could of caused this.

I am overweight and I am slowly losing weight but am finding it extremely hard. I dont guzzle junk food and never fry food, I step for around 30 mins a day and will soon be joining a gym.

I tried to do the excercises she told me to but my muscles dont appear to respond...its like they arent connected to m brain and I dont know how to draw from them to move..

Any Ideas on what might have cause it and what I can do to fix it other than lose bulk?

Workout Buddy?

try to see a rhumatologist,you could have fibromyalgia,it affects adjectives the muscles.

why do by breasts itch?

The main muscles that support the put money on are the stomach muscles, so sit ups and crunches are good.

Question for the Ladies.?

Keep up next to the exercises, even if you feel that nil seems to be going on.

Could you increase your walking time, and make it brisker?

Having have back problems after a vehicle accident, visit the physio was torture, but I kept up next to the exercises and the advice she give me, and although the pain hasn't gone completely, I am much superior.

Are you on any medication for the pain? My GP prescribed painkillers which get me through the worse of it.

I can't understand how your muscles can be so scraggy, but don't worry, beside hard work on your side, and beside your obviously strong will to lose substance, things will improve. It may embezzle a while, but believe me, it is worth the hard work.

You might want to mention your medical problem to the gym, so they are aware of the misery you have and the scraggy muscles. They can then tailor a regime to relieve you.

All the very best, hon, and don't furnish up. Things will improve and I am sure you will be combat fit and a healthy consignment before long.

Girls HELP! Shaving problem?

when you go in the gym they will show you exercises that will help to strengthen your lower support. Make sure and mention this problem to them so they can show you exactly what to do to avoid further injury.

What is it? (Female question simply!!)?

When you injure/ hurt your back or own back muscle distress your stomach muscles 'turn off'. Gaining consignment can also aggrovate it. Strengthening the stomach in turn strengthens the back. Try tummy crunches PLEASE USE an ab roller to backing your back, don't shift overdoing it you don't want further injury or pain! :) Try pelvic floors. Pilates near a physio is brilliant for rehabilating and strengthening the body and does help define/tone, in turn increases mass loss. ( looks easy but it works up a sweat and is tricky!) That will enjoy your muscles working again quickly! Swimming is also excellent as it strengthens the unharmed torso. Try flippers, goggles and a snorkel to prevent over twisting. Head down and swim! Magnesium excellent for muscles. I hear you one the baby article - don't have any any but muscles turned off so weakly that I even weed a little bit when sneezing ( HOW EMBARRASSING!) Good luck chic - maintain trying. Sounds like your trying tricky with the counterweight too - keep it up, you will grasp there. ;)

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