Why it pains during menstruation?


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Estrogen and progesterone are sometimes called "female" hormones, but both men and women enjoy them, just within different concentrations.

Progesterone causes the surface of the uterine inside layer, the endometrium, to become covered with mucous, secreted from glands inside the lining itself. If fertilization and implantation do not turn out,(meaning if u dont get pregnant) the spiral arteries of the inside layer close off, stopping blood flow to the surface of the bin liner. The blood pools into "venous lakes" which, once full, burst and, with the endometrial bin liner, form the menstrual flow. Most periods closing 4 to 8 days but this length varies over the course of a lifetime.

Some researchers vista menses as the natural monthly cleansing of the uterus and vagina of sperm and germs they carried.

Women can experience a variety of sensations beforehand, during or after their menses. Common complaints include backache, pain within the inner thighs, bloating, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, headaches, breast pain, irritability, and other mood changes. Women also experience positive sensations such as nouns, release, euphoria, new emergence, invigoration, connection beside nature, creative verve, exhilaration, increased sex drive and more intense orgasms.

Uterine cramping is one of the most common mortified sensations women may have during menstruation. There are two kind of cramping. Spasmodic cramping is probably caused by prostaglandins, chemicals that affect muscle tautness. Some prostaglandins cause relaxation, and some end in constriction. A diet high within linoleic and liblenic acids, found in vegetables and fish, increases the prostaglandins for aiding muscle relaxation.

Congestive cramping causes the body to retain fluids and brackish. To counter congestive cramping, avoid wheat and dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, and refined sugar.

Natural option to alleviate cramping:

Increase exercise. This will improve blood and oxygen circulation throughout the body, including the pelvis.
Try not using tampons. Many women find tampons increase cramping. Don't select an IUD (intrauterine device) as your birth control method.
Avoid red meat, cultivated sugars, milk, and fatty foods.
Eat lots of fresh vegetables, whole grain (especially if you experience constipation or indigestion), nuts, seeds and fruit.
Avoid caffeine. It constricts blood vessel and increases tension.
Meditate, gain a massage.
Have an orgasm (alone or beside a partner).
Drink ginger root tea (especially if you experience fatigue).
Put cayenne pepper on food. It is a vasodilator and improves circulation.
Breathe richly, relax, notice where on earth you hold tension within your body and let it dance.
Ovarian Kung Fu alleviates or even eliminates menstrual cramps and PMS, it also ensure smooth transition through menopause
Take time for yourself!
Anecdotal information suggests eliminating Nutra-Sweet from the diet will significantly relieve menstrual cramps. If you drink sugar-free sodas or other forms of Nutra-Sweet, try eliminate them completely for two months and see what happens.

Do you ruminate the line between mannish and female physical strength is getting smaller at the moment?

Your muscles in your uterus are contracting which cause the cramps and it helps the inside layer push through your cervix. Cramps are a pain, but minus them, our periods would be extended. Now, that would be very bad!

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