Why are my boobs bigger?

over the last two weeks ive spy my boobs have gotten bigger and they are pretty sore are in that any other reason than self pregnant for this to be happening?.. im lone 17


So i'm finally considering birthcontrol, but i have a few question..?

did you recently travel on birth control? i'm 24 and i noticed my breasts get larger when i started on a different dosage of estrogen. also, you are 17. you could just be growing.

Mirena birth control?

obviously you're pregnant!

Do you use tampons that the string well rips out of?

well have you have unprotected sex?!

What does it mean when u enjoy pain during intercourse?

could be u getting your extent or u pregnant why don't u take a assessment just to be sure.

Skin lighteners?

im a nurse at a birthing center..and you nouns pregnant. go to your mother and recount her whats happening afterwards go to a doctor and find out for sure.

Help! Could these possibly be symptoms of something?

Well it could newly be that you're growing in that area and you get your period? But since you're seventeen it prolly shouldnt still be growing resembling that. i would ask a doctor if i were you

Do women that start their length late start menopause rash?

You could still be growing. I didn't stop growing until I turned 21.
I wouldn't worry unless you are sexually helpful. If you are you could be pregnant

Can anyone advice what to clutch for mentrual migrane & cramps?

I heard once that while pms-ing or on your interval, your breasts can become sore and you retain lots of water and these could explanation your larger boobs. hey, good for you!

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