
Do Norethisterone Contraceptive Tablets make you gain mass?

Stop surfing the internet and get out and so some exercise, move it cooking oil !!

Does anyone know if the drug - meth - interects with the iud?

Throw them surrounded by the river. What's so hard in the region of that?

Is a gurl having a big boobs attract guys??

Eat smaller number and exercise more, failing that , cut your leg off.

GIRLS ONLY PLEASEor doctorsi enjoy a personal question!?

Spend your time looking at the food label.
Your about to come into the summer months in the UK and if you are base here, this is the time to diet and exercise.

There is no point dieting and trying lose weight if you do not exercise, even if it is a moment ago going walking around your estate.

Good Question?

If you eat smaller amount you won't have the activeness to excercise. Get out and do stuff. Exercise releases endorphines so will lift any depression adn stop you comfort ingestion. x

What Are the symptoms of pregnancy for women that have a tubal ligation?

You shouldnt loose mass too quickly as it is not forceful But u can loose around a stone a month on the lighter life diet.

GIRLS ONLY. seriously?

it not fit to lose that much strait away you have to build it a longer term objective go to your GP and draw from a heath check first ask them what they gooey the best way to lose the solidity would be but do not starve your self that will just clear you ill walking 10,000 steps a morning is a relay good mode but you have to drink a Healthy diet as well

plz comfort!!?

I've just shifted 10 pounds within a week. I've cut out all dairy, sugar(including sweetened foods & drinks) and red meat. I've be drinking Innocent smoothies for breakfast, fruit for lunch and lots of fresh veg, pulses and grains for dinner. If you aversion exercise try power walking in the mornings. check out www.powerwalkersworld.com and watch the weightiness fall stale.

I've got two stone to loose and reckon I can do it contained by a couple of months. I've based my diet around Gillian Mckeiths recomendations, see her website / read her books for more info. She advise a 'diet of abundance' full of fresh healthy foods and I reckon its the way to jump.

Good Luck!

Does anyone else bloat in the shower?

Have your legs amputated

Does have a hymen alter the way a queef sounds?

if you are overweight try the ligther go diet


is it ok?

Try the Atkins diet it really does work , but you need to read the book to do it correctly .

Has anyone used Physician's Candida Formula & Probiotics Plus by The Yeast Connection for cleanse yeast?

I enjoy to admit I own a 'stock' answer for this question, since if you look it appears 20-30 times every year!

Type 'guaranteed weight loss' into google, you will find 1 1/2 million sites!

Look around you if ANY of these things worked would we be getting so overweight?

We are what we drink, but we are at least as much what we don't do. Calorie intakes in 1900 and 1950 be higher than they are very soon, we just don't use them up!

Eat a fair diet with plenty of fruit and veg.

Take a nourishing amount of exercise 30-40 minutes of vigorous exercise per afternoon 4-5 days a week. I hate to focus what percentage of the UK population does that 2%? 5%?

I have see hundreds of questions next to this same pattern :- I am oil, tell me where on earth on line I can return with this super diet or herbal/dangerous/illegal drug that I hear will fix it for me in 10 minutes short the need for me to carry off the couch!

No fixes companion , less contained by more out, its the only path.

rwhat are the side effects of vitamin e?

Firstly exercise as much as you can, anything from walking to playing sports such as badminton. its easy to fit exercise into your each day routine - take the stairs instead of the heave, walk instead of getting the bus, or even run up and down the stairs in your house a few times. Secondly, try to get through healthier. Do this by adjectives out unhealthy meal such as takeaways, fry ups etc and replacing them with meal such as chicken stir fries. Eat as much fruit and veg as you can, they fill you up, are really moral for you and dont make you put on any bulk. If you are eating sauces or soups beside your meals, stir for tomato based ones instead of creamy. Also scrutinize your portion size!! Thirdly, drink lots and lots of water. This fill you up so you eat smaller number. If you are dehydrated your body will hold onto hose down meaning you will weigh more. By doing this you should lose freight fairly efficiently but more importantly it will stay off. remember the more exercise you do the better yuor body will look, its not adjectives about bulk.

why do antibiotics make birth control smaller quantity effective? is that even true?

Ok no expeditious majic fix but help is at hand>
I own just started a diet and excersise routine and I own joined www.rosemary-conley.co.uk to pass me the proper help and support I want in a not dangerous and life shifting way.
I am immediately on a good low lubricant diet, do excersise for thirty mins five days per week (her video), I also invested in a step and tone machine a bit resembling the thermal thigh trainer got it form Argos for lb30 and I do ten mins twice a daytime on it every day.
What I own learnt is I be eating the wrong food wrong time and not doing any proper excersise.
Go check out her site and I sent sour for the postal diet and recieved all the give support to via the post without going to gym ect.
I hold lost several pounds and 7 inches all over within two weeks I dont expect to loose that every two weeks but hey good start.
Try it but what ever you do please do it contained by a safe, controled opening and no faddy diet or you will end up next to more on after.

Ladies Only PleaseWell unless you know about this?

Going on a crash diet isn't decent, you should eat healthily, plenty of fruit and veg. One trick i knowledgeable while i was dieting be to drink water if i be hungry and while eating meal. Also make sure you munch through breakfast and it is good for your metabolism. Exercise does aid as well even if it is a short way of walking, but swimming , i found is the best because it uses most of your muscle groups. Good luck with your substance loss, but if you take longer to lose consignment, you will find it easier to maintain the shipment loss.

Tampon issues?

I lost about that much through WeightWatchers - you'll want the support of a group to work with. I found them brilliant and a year on I own still kept the weight rotten. Good Luck! x

Is squirting common amongst women during sex ?

Its not almost eating smaller amount. Its about drinking the right things. This means adjectives out the rubbish - all second-hand goods food.

You must eat breakfast - it will stop the cravings mid morning, when most inhabitants revert to the rubbish foods.

Increase your fitness level. I'm not discussion going to the gym or anything, just step as much as possible. Take the stairs as much as you can - but don't over exert yourself.

Also, I lost 7lbs in two weeks by adjectives out bread ! I was ingestion wholemeal toast for breakfast, and panini for lunch and bread and butter with dinner or a wrap or other such food. I cut out the bread and could not believe the difference. Tomorrow it adjectives starts again for me. I have consent to myself go a bit and I want to obtain back on track. You are not alone contained by this, talk to your friends and they can minister to you.

Why not start your own little club, say four of you acquire together in the evening, and stroll one night, swim one dark, go to an aerobics class, run, skipping for 20 minutes, etc. Friends make it fun and not a chore.

I basically had a breast reductionanyone on hre own one if so how long did it take you to get better?

get dried soup packets and enjoy 3 aday,breakie,luch and dinner! drink lots of juice

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