GIRLS ONLY. seriously?

Next week I'm going on a class trip for three days and I haven't gotten my period but. I was supposed to enjoy gotten it this past week but I chew over I've ended up getting it every month and a partially. I'm really scared I'll attain up in the mountains and I won't own anything with me! I haven't exactly mastered the undamaged tampons thing however or I would feel plentifully better about it and I HATE pad, but they're the only piece that I can wear, even though they just don't quality right. Someone help! Before Wednesday!

Is in that a site that allows me to vurtually deliver a child?

You should try to figure out tampons until you jump on your trip. Definitely bring pads and tampons near you even if you aren't 100% comfortable with them on the other hand. It's better to have them than be stuck contained by the woods with nil! Maybe you should try different kinds of pads--maybe you'll similar to some better than others. Find a brand you like. Maybe your arts school nurse's office offer free pads...that process you don't have to spend a fortune buying different kind of pads. There are option besides tampons out there for you--I individually use the Diva cup (, but if you haven't figured out how to insert a tampon but, the Diva Cup is more difficult. But it's something to think roughly speaking, it saves you abundantly of money and you can keep it contained by for 12 hours--perfect for camping/traveling. But that's something to keep contained by mind for the future. Good luck!

Whats the strongest anti perspirant /deodorant for woman?

Maybe very soon is the best time to master the tampon. i recently started using it, and i find it alout better. pad made me feel similar to i was wearing a diaper. If you really do abominate pads, tampons are the approach to go. Try practicing next to them so you'll feel more comfortable.

Can flimsy menstural bleeding mean you're pregnant?

just pack some pad with you and if you hiking or something stick one in your backpack or pocket purely to be safe.

upright luck, and have fun on your trip :)

~Boob Problems~?

Take something near you. It's a real spasm, but you can't do anything about it.

Why do women working together give the impression of being to have here menstrual cycle around the same time?

ohh ok... if you don't want to use pad and you don't know how to use tampons... maybe a diaper would be a polite idea

Does anyone know if in attendance is a connection between women who own late pregnancies and breast cancer?

either master tampons, or wear a wipe before you give notice for hiking.

Is the catholic church the reason so several women have HIV/AIDS?

I have help when I first started, and this is moral, to get minister to; however, what you can do is this, purchase the plastic applicator tampons, playtex brand, and get the smallest size you can find, the plastic is easier to insert than the cardboard sympathetic, then go and get vasolene and put some vasolene on the applicator before you use it, this should trademark it easy for you to insert. You may not know how to experiment before appendage due to dryness unless you use a lot of vasolene however, a short time ago take these supplies next to you and when you're up in the mountains near your girlfriends, they will help you to know how to do it, and you'll own the right gear! Also, just know, if the tampon hurts, you've done it wrong (not far adequate in, likely) so only just pull it out and try again, it may run a few times before you capture it right:) Good luck!

Help! Diet issue!?

Anyone should know that if you think you might start a moment ago take some pad with you. I parsimonious that's just adjectives sense.

Do I need to be on my interval to remove my iud?

Get a box of tampons-preferably "slim fits" made by playtex or something similar-and practice. Lay in your bed with your legs start on and practice puting them in. If you get them surrounded by right, then you won't discern pain, they will be unforced to use. You'll have to return with them in cavernous in establish to not feel them so relax your muscles and try it a few times. Once you revise how to put them in lay down, try puting them in while standing. And take some pad with you on the trip too.

please lend a hand me?

Well, they have this point called a menstral cup or something. I'm not sure exactly where on earth you can buy them, but you can look it up online. Anyway, it's this thing sort of approaching a tampon, except you can leave it surrounded by for up to 12 hours and then you in recent times empty it out, rinse it, and put it hindmost in. So if you're up surrounded by the mountains, it may work better cause afterwards you have smaller quantity trash and it's much less of a hassle.

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