Is it true that some teen girls are taking anabolic steroids these days? Why are they attracted to this?

Do you know any girl who has tried steroids and if so, what happen to her?

Missed period?

There must be 6 question like this a daytime on answers, I try to post an answer to all of them, surrounded by the hope that I might convince one or two of you lunatics not to do it! In the UK at least no steroids can or should be available short a doctor's prescription. They may not be illegal to cart, but they do indicate a head surrounded by the sand mentality!

It is fascinating to read the reassurances that within are no risks from anabolic steroids, displayed on sites that sell them. They hold presumably never had a relative enjoy an early stroke or heart attack.

Side effects of anabolic steroids include : raise blood pressure,raising cholesterol, (both of which increase cardiovascular disease), physical wreckage to the heart itself, premature baldness, liver damage, the formation of breast tissue contained by males, liver damage, impotence, shrinking of the testicles and infertility. Women can become downy, develop a deep voice, and growth can be stunted within adolescents. They also increase both aggression and depression.

So girls if you want to be a short, hairy open voiced women with a heart attack and liver disease pass on!

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