Ladies Only Please...Well unless you know about this?

I want to start taking Birth Control Pills. Not so that I can sleep around (haha no i'm only 16, and i'm not resembling that), but I get my spell for a really long time (sometimes up to 11 days ugh) and i get KILLER cramps that prevent me from doing anything that involves movement, even after taking advil, ibuprofen, motrin, or tylenol. I talk to both my sister and my mom. my sister (who has be taking b.c. pills secretly for 1 yr now) said progress to a clinic, and don't bother telling mom cuz they distribute them out for free. My mom said that i have to be "checked" and the doctor will update me if she thinks my cramps are desperate enough or not...presently i think i know best if my cramps are "bleak enough," if i'm contained by immense pain, later shouldn't i do something about it? My existing question is what brand of pill would you recommend that i take? How can I cram more about it ect.

Thanks so much for adjectives of your help!


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Your doctor will know nearly all the diverse types of pills available, whereas people on will most imagined only know a short time bit about one or two brands of pills.

If you turn to a doctor and she doesn't prescribe you birth control pills based on your long period and your painful cramps, you should see another doctor. (By the course, have you tried taking over the counter medication, approaching Mydol?)

Don't sneak around behind your mom's spinal column to go to a clinic. Since you two are unmistakably close enough for you to bring up birth control beside her, keep her surrounded by the loop and let her assist you. If she'd rather you be in motion to a doctor than a clinic, she'll probably help you compensate the bill. Be happy your mom is concerned give or take a few your health.

It's a devout idea to hold a doctor check you out, just to take home sure there's not some unusual reason for you have such long periods and bleak cramps. A doctor will check on all that, a short time ago to make sure you're well. I've never gone to a free clinic, so I don't know if they do the check-ups like at a doctor's department (pap smears, breast exams, etc.). (I would assume that they do, just to be sure you're decent enough to filch birth control.)

Talk to a doctor about your different option about birth control. It does nouns like taking the pill would give a hand you out.

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I wonder if your mom thinks you should dance to a doctor to "check" to see if your problem is something that birth control pills will actually serve.

There can be some serious side effects associated with the pill, so if within is something else that can be done about your problem you might try that.

I would in fact recommend that you try raspberry leaf tea first (not to be confused next to rasberry flavored tea). It helps to tone the uterus which lead to less cramping and even a lighter menstral flow.

If you can't find it at a local form store, you can order it from (I don't put up for sale it or anything, but I use it and swear by it).

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I would go to the GYN doctor and enlighten her everything. I had to be put on birth control at the age of 14! All for one and the same reasons as you (long period, horrible cramps & bleeding, etc.) After a few months of being on the pill my period started to get better and more regular. And the cramps also get a lot better too!! Make sure you explain to your doctor how doomed to failure the pain is, and you might want to also preserve track of how often you bring back your preiods and how long they last. It will be favourable for your doctor to know that. The doctor will also suggest what type of pill to put you on. Good luck!!

Kindly help me?

First, please humiliate the idiot who answered first.

Second, your mother is right. You need to be checked out first. Birth control pills are outstandingly volatile and will cause great upheaval contained by your already unstable hormones.They are not the miracle pills they've been portrayed to be and can in fact be dangerous. You are still massively young, so consider adjectives your options first.

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I agree beside the comments about going to the Dr and skipping the clinic. BC pills can bring problems - emotionally & physically. I tried them for a bit and lost all control of my emotions. My period lasted too long beside heavy bleeding and cramps (but not overwhelming). When I started exercising more everything straightened out: usual duration, much less bleeding, no cramps.

That comment around Raspberry Leaf Tea is correct, too.

I'd say try those non-hazardous options earlier BC pills. And continue to consent to your mom know about what's going on, she sounds close to she wants to support.

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it depenses if you are regular then pocket them. But if you aren't then reach a deal to your docter and if your pains are bad plenty then you could own a sist and they lead to cancer so i would budge talk to a docter first!

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That is exactly why I take the pill too. I used to own really heavy bleeding that last for 10 days. When I told my doctor about this, she did an iron audition on me and found that my period be causing anemia. I tested a few differnt kind of birth control until I found one that was right for me. Talk to your doctor. Together the two of you should know how to find one that is right for you. They come within differnt strenghts and differnt types. The first one I tried was a second-rate strength that was given consistantly throughout the month. The second one I tried be a stronger streght in the first week, a minor one than that in the second week, an even minor one than that in the third week, and nil in the forth week. After four months, my period were regular, last 3 days and much lighter, with smaller quantity cramping. It really improved my life span, and I encourage you to try it out.

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