Soy,stop taking it, side effects?

I was taking soy, and I stopped abrubtly, and I have exreme agitation. Is this a natural occurring when suddenly stoping taking it?

Please help? 10 points to a best answer!?

Did you transfer from Soy to Dairy? If so, yes it can cause some problems. Here is some interesting information I copied from a contact I am providng for you..I found it on the right side of the page.(I googled Soy, and this was one of the links)

"(Soyfoods) are not nutrients. They are drugs." Dr. L. White, Honolulu Aging Study.

Imagine drugs that are set, by years of scientific documentation, to be both carcinogenic and to also mete out DNA and chromosome damage one prescribed and administered through the food supply to populations of many countries around the world in need the knowledge or consent of the individuals consuming these foods . next to no way to track dosage, individual reaction, or harmful side-effects . and minus any concern for some people’s increased vulnerability to these drugs, such as cancer patients. It sounds crazy, but that is exactly what is scheduled around the world when Soy is added to our food supply. Soy contains the scientifically documented carcinogenic and DNA damaging and chromosome risky natural chemicals genistein and daidzein.

What is the best course for me to begin to lose counterbalance that i have be carrying for 7 years or more?

Soy has be a food source for generations. Tofu is made from soy. Soy have been a Japanese staple for years and they are well again than Americans. Don't believe everything you read.

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