I was told that a cherry (hymen) can grow back is this true?

Im 19 and my cherry was popped by my bf finger. I be told it can grow back if you avoid the nouns for a while like months even as surrounded by 6 months to a year is this true cause i reckon it can only pop once. what do you expect? i also havnt had sex all the same so am i a virgin too or am i not one since i dont have a cherry (hymen)? if it can grow rear then convey me a link to where on earth it states it does grow back.

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Your cherry be not popped unless the penis penetrated the vagina. The hymen may have be ripped, but if you have not have sexual intercourse, you are still a virgin. The hymen does not grow back. It is not a true experiment of virginity anyway.

Help me please?

NO! once it popped its over.

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never heard of this--EVER

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no once it is gone it's gone. you still a virgin because merely finger

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No, it doesn't grow rear.
That was a fiction he told you to get something of his in you.

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no, but there is a surgery that can grant you your hymen back

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you are still considered a virgin...you haven't have actual sex yet...only just got touched...and no your hymen can't grow pay for...who ever told you is crazy...but you can loose your hymen other ways...like when you first bring your period it can how you read out pop...but relax you are still a virgin

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It cannot grow back and you are still a virgin. The solitary way for your hymen to reattach itself is if you hold a plastic surgeon do it.

Is this normal?

If you've never have sex, you're a virgin.. And no, it can't grow back.

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Once your hymen is broken - that's it unless you are prepared to own it surgically restored. Good on you for still being a virgin. People can break their hymen in various ways including horse riding, using a tampon - etc It does not mean you are not a virgin.

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you should own worried about this until that time you let your bf's finger slip where on earth it shouldn't be! No, it will never grow back. As far as mortal a virgin? Well, you probably shouldn't be too worried, because it doesn't matter anymore!

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Well, you can always option... once the cherry is popped... its popped. It don't grow back. Technically though, you're still a virgin till you own sex. And not with a finger.
Even a tampon can 'pop the cherry.'

Ladies simply!?

Your hymen will not regrow on its own. There are surgeries that can restore the hymen, but unless it is extremely important for you this is really drastic.

If you enjoy not had sex, you are still a virgin.

anyone else hold pmdd?

I have also be told that the hymen can grow back, but from information general public have told me, it cannot grow put money on. But do not worry, you are still a virgin. Just because your hymen have been broken DOES NOT parsimonious you are not a virgin anymore. The hymen can be broken in many different ways such as using a tampon, riding a bike, falling on your bike form etc. Virginity is only taken when a penis penetrates your vagina. So don't verbs, you're still a virgin.

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