The difference between a cyst and lump?

Okay, I am 30 years old, and own always be careful to do a monthly self breast exam. A couple of weeks ago I notice there be a definite revision in my moved out breast, while doing everyday chores, my breast felt fuller. I thought it might simply be from playing with my toddler, he can draw from carried away climbing all over me. Last dark when I was showering I notice it felt more fixed, like a lump. I looked within the mirror and my left breast have changed shape. I do take birth control pills and my length is due in a couple of weeks. I be wondering if a lump makes your breast perceive more full or dense? My breast is not tender, but I notice the difference when I make higher my arm. Both my grandmother and Aunt had breast cancer, and I am upset. I know that it could just be a cyst, and am awkward to call the dr, simply yet. Has anyone ever hear of anything like this?

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Get this checked out. Get a mammogram now. The breast will tweaking its appearance with a tumor, which is section of your self exam.
A "cyst" has defined borders. a "lump" does not. But what you are chitchat about scare me. My Mom died of breast cancer. Take this seriously.PLEASE!!

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All cysts are lumps. not all lumps are cysts!

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If it is a cyst when you squeeze it fluid will come out. I have never have a cyst that big to where it would money the size of a breast though. Sounds like it might be a problem, why dont you nickname and ask the doctor or go to symptom checker at

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