Sis on Ovary?

Does this affect your chances of conceiving?

Why does your bladder enjoy to be full for an ultra sound?

Cyst you be a sign of....not sis which is short for depends...

Do Cystic Ovaries Cause Infertility?

Many women have cystic ovaries and are fertile. Others own no cysts and they still don't ovulate. For many women person told that they have cystic ovaries comes as a shock and lead to a fear of infertility. In some cases this unease is well founded - cystic ovaries are one sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) a serious form problem that can cause infertility. However, for other women cystic ovaries do not appear to vary their fertility.

A study at Tufts University shows that even if an ultrasound reveals that you have polycystic ovaries, you may be as fertile as other women. Even if you own PCOS this study suggests that if you can reduce your symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome, you may become more fertile within spite of having polycystic ovaries. (Hassan, M et al, Fertility and Sterility, 2003, 80(4):966-975).

Researchers used ultrasound to identify 210 women as have polycystic ovaries. One-third of these women had none of the typical symptoms of PCOS. The non-symptomatic women took no longer to find pregnant than women with average ovaries. In other words, the asymptomatic polycystic women were lately as fertile as women with commonplace ovaries.

Some women seem to hold cysts on their ovaries with no other symptoms. Those who enjoy other symptoms may find that if they can improve their overall form they can improve their fertility, whether or not their ovarian cysts disappear. Women next to PCOS often find that if their form improves and their hormones become perched their ovarian cysts go away on their own.

The typical cysts found surrounded by polycystic ovaries are small and while they may cause some minor spasm or tenderness, they are not usually a serious vigour problem. Most cysts are actually fluid full up and often disappear on their own. Some ovarian cysts are full up with tissue and are call dermoid cysts.

Large cysts can be removed, if necessary, through surgery or contained by some cases by having the fluid removed next to a syringe in laporoscopic surgery. Talk to your doctor about the risks of surgery and whether it is possible to continue a few months to see if the cysts resolve on their own. In rare cases ovarian cysts can be cancerous. In that case it is essential to have treatment as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading.

If you hold larger cysts, constant or sharp pain, or your doctor recommend further treatment it is wise to own the cysts treated. Large ovarian cysts can rupture causing internal bleeding or may wreak they ovary to twist and organize to severe pain or even loss of the ovary.

My ex-boyfriend basically told me the doctor told him he had herpes.?

I deem you mean a 'cyst', and yes, if vanished untreated ovarian cysts can lead to infertility and trouble conceiving.

do guys size really event?

It depends. It's CYST, not sis.

You have to confer to your OB/GYN about where on earth it is on the ovary, if it needs to be removed, if it can be removed, etc.

the doctor cant even comfort me?

It's a cyst, not a sis. Usually these do not alter one's chances at motherliness, but they can rupture and cause severe affliction and dangerous bleeding. The just way to know here's one on your ovary is for your physician to discover it, and your physician will advise you on what to do almost it.

ive been missing alot of period this past year is that a sign of premenapause?

well, i own cysts on my ovaries and to fall pregnant (i concluded up having twins) i have to go on medication because my doctor informed me that it could (if i be really lucky) take years to spill out pregnant without this medication.
Saying that though, i do know of one creature who thought that because she had cysts on her ovaries she could never go down pregnant, had a brief fling and subsequent thing she know she was have a baby...

I enjoy found a small lump in my breast, beneath the nipple. It's really painful.?

Like everyone else is clich??, it must be a "cyst". Well, it depends upon the size and site. Many times, yes, it does effect conceiving chances. But it is not adjectives that uncommon, esp. among youthful ladies. Sometimes, they disappear with time. At others, they requirement to be removed, because of the problems they are causing, such as difficulty surrounded by conceiving, or pressure. So its best if a gynaecologist is asked for help surrounded by deciding what to do.

Sore/pinching lower than arm pit ?

having a cyst on your ovary doesn't necessarily affect your chances of concieving, have polycystic ovary syndrome may make you own trouble concieving but it is possible to conceive it make merely take for a moment more time

Ladies, what is a good over-the-counter med to whip for pre & post menstrual bloating?

depends if it is a normal functioning cyst or not. Only your gyn can give an account you. Both can be painful.

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