My ex-boyfriend just told me the doctor told him he had herpes.?

I dont know if he's telling the truth or not. He say now im a enjoy to be with him forever. Any ways, how probable is it possible for me to get it. I enjoy not had any outbreaks or any piece. We have be togeather for four years and I done had a child and everything. Why havent the doctors told me if I do have it? Why havent they said any thing when I had adjectives of those test taken until that time and after my baby. If I do hold it, is it possible to have a simi commonplace sex life again? I'm not young-looking here, i am grown just curious.


Sounds approaching a real loser.

You may own herpes, you may not. Ask your doctor for a test. In routine STI screening herpes lab test are not normally done because they are pretty expensive. Normally, they only look for symptoms.

Regardless of if you have it, you can hold a sex life again minus this guy. Why? 1. about a quarter of Americans eventually contract herpes, you wouldn't be alone. 2. There are treatments that hamper the times of year that you can spread herpes, so you can have sex short spreading it (sometimes).

Anyway, good luck.

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if he had herpes when he be with you the Dr would enjoy been competent to tell you so=i ponder the guy is trying to blow your mind and get you upset

i own this fear of going to the doctors, how can i overcome this?

Well, i doh't know if it is something that the doctors can speak about if you haven't had any breakouts. If you own never had a breakout, i would assume you don't enjoy herpes. But ask your doctor.

But i do know this, you don't have to stay next to your ex-bf forever. That is just silly and his course to control you. Don't let him. Just by you maxim that, he sounds as if he could be possessive. If that's the case, catch away and stay away from him.

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There's a possiblity you own been infected, even if you haven't have any sores.
Do you remember having sex near him when he had a breakout? Talk to your doctor around the risk.
Centre of Disease control herpes facts:

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I would gain checked again. Your baby may own herpes too. Dont have sex basically to stay safe. But you can hold safe sex.!

New PregnancyBig Problem?

WELL I'M SORRY FOR THIS MAN PLAYING WITH YOUR EMOTIONS BUT I HAVE GOOD NEWS and BAD. First entry u can get blood work to check if u enjoy it and it could be type1 or 2 but you can get valtrex to control the outbreaks and it works. Also if it shows you don't enjoy it please have protective sex other or leave him because if u be with him for 4 years and he have herpes he has cheated on you and that's the truth of it all. Please expect do u wanna be with a cheater that God single know what he might give u subsequent. Good luck and I hope you have a Divine Day and be strong 4 yourself and children.

Getting work done on your breasts?

he could enjoy cheated after baby be born and got it. Either passageway its not a good grounds to stay with him

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