When is the right age when you know?

when its your time of the month. im 16 and i have an irrigular term. is this normal or what?

Reasons for a tardy period.?

Some girls and women are simply prone to irregular cycles. If you've have your period for singular a couple of years, this is often moderately normal. If you've be going on like this for some time it may be time to see a doctor.

If it become burdensome or really interferes with your lifestyle, next you should talk to your doctor and consider getting put on some birth control pills to regulate you.

"i am married for later 3 years but not able to conceive medically fit. hold to go through mental trauma not ha

I get my period when I be 11, I'm now 24 and its still not regular close to some of my friends. The best thing to do is inscribe it on a calendar. Keep track of the day it starts and how long. Then subsequent month, again mark the daylight it starts and then count the days between cycles. After a few months you may thought a pattern-like around the 5th of the month. If there is no outline at all, gossip to your parents about it and see if they will allow you to walk on the pill.

My period started final sunday the 20th. My period usually merely lasts 5 days, what could be the problem?

how long since you first started? It usually take a couple years to be regular. if your in your first 1-3 years of getting your interval, it is normal to be sour.

I have lost my contraceptive pill packet?

you should at 16 enjoy a rough idea when your due on an whats stirring an where so forth,
clich?? that yes you may still have irregular period.
its normal :)
going on the pill though can regulate that.

I discern two strings of my IUD and the doctor said i should only get the impression one ?

i'm 16 and my periods come every three months and my started when i be 11

if u do it for the first time will it hurt? will it hurt if the boy is very small down within.?

If your period have not normalized by the time you are 18 or 19 later I would see a dr. But there are so plentiful factor that can effect your period I would not verbs.
If you play sports, it's normal for your time to be weird. If you've lost like mad of weight, or you don't guzzle enough hefty. If you are stressed a lot. If you hold changed your living situation.there are hundreds of things that can effect it. If you are experiencing any misery other than usual cramps, then you should relay your dr. If you have any bloating or any other strange symptoms, later I would tell the dr.
But also, be sure that your interval is in reality "irregular".
Just because it doesn't come exactly 28 days on the dot doesn't mean it's irregular. If the number of days vary month to month by 3-5 days, that is NORMAL. If you are skipping months adjectives together,that might not be normal.
If it is lantern some months and heavy on others,i.e. NORMAL. If it's so heavy that you own a hard time keeping up near it or get really big (larger than a quarter) clots, later that is NOT regular.

If you are really concerned, talk to mom or your dr.

Why does it hurt?

You can attain "charts" that help you hang on to track and determine "approximately" when your period 'should' start. However - you will simply be able to be close.. never exactly when. We don't drink, drink, sleep or act alike every day .. so our bodies don't get something done exactly the same every time.. predicting when your period will arrive is at best a apposite guess!
And .. as the others have said, it really does depend on how long you've have your period.
Am curious though .. "irregular" is a subjective permanent status .. what do You mean by irregular?
Most of us hold a period anytime between every 26 and 34 days ...

**Males hold a cycle too .. it just isn't mottled by anything as obvious as a time of year! .. They usually go through high and lower levels of testosterone every 36 to 40 days .. theirs are definite more by mood shifts .. some days they will be crankier / moodier than others .. lucky brats!

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