Sore/pinching under arm pit ?

I am 18 years old. The week in the past my period I usually draw from super sore breasts, and this time I did (as always!) but I also consistency a bit of a sore pinching pain below my left armpit. It doesn't come across to go too far into the breast, and I cannot touch any lump. It's just a slight pinching munificent of pain that comes and go throughout the day. I am presently on my period. If this doesn't step away after my period, I might enjoy to go to the doctor. In the meantime, hold any of you felt something similar to this? Uncomfort to the side of the breast?


Is My Period Normal??Please Read The Details?

Yes, and you know that breast tissue does verbs up close to your arm pit. That's why the monthly self exam tells us to progress all the bearing up into the arm pit. Good idea to check it out near your doctor anyway. Oh, and lumps i.e. breast cancer lumps don't necessarily hurt.

I'm moving forward with getting a breast price cut. Can anyone tell me what to expect?

Hmmmm. In your armpit, it's usually lymph nodes, which usually catch sore because of an infection. But I have a cyst right where on earth my underwire bra goes over my chest, and it comes and go (but it usually goes when I receive my period, so I usually with the sole purpose have to buy and sell with it for I don`t know a couple of weeks.) If it doesn't go away after your time, yeah, go to the doctor (don't bother going until your extent's over because your breasts will be swollen and it'll be difficult to examine them.) And make sure to do breast self-exams. It may not be serious, but you don't want to filch a chance, so maintain up with your diagnostic exams.

Plastic Surgery.?

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