Is it possible to get side effects from Depo Provera after having been on it for a while?

I have be on Depo Provera for about 7 years in a minute. Within the last 3 months or so I enjoy had ZERO sex drive, which is outstandingly uncommon for me. Is it possible that this is related to Depo, I know i.e. one of the side effects but I have never have a problem with Depo within the past.

Tongkat Ali-yah?

While it's possible to hold side effects from practically any substance, even ones that you've taken for a long time, I rather doubt that Depo is the incentive. I'm not saying that couldn't start, but there are tons other reasons for a absence of sex drive, both physical and emotional.

It might be worthwhile for you to enjoy a physical exam to rule out any problems there, and consequently ask yourself if there is a foundation you may no longer be interested in sex. Sometimes deep-seated emotional problems that you aren't even aware of, can impose a lack of sexual interest. Finally, menopause is infamous for a lack of sex drive if you are at, or approaching that age.

This may also simply be a temporary article, and maybe you have need of something to spark your libido again. Since I don't know anything about you or your personal time, it's really hard to donate you an exact answer. You'll have to do the trouble shooting yourself to determine the explanation and then appropriate steps to do something about it, whether it's have a physical exam, which I do recommend, or find another partner -- and don't do that if you're already married or in a committed relationship. If that be the case, later rent some sexy videos, buy a black lace negigee or use your imagination to invent foreign and exciting ways to spice up your sex life next to your husband or partner. Good luck!

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It could be (I've been on it for over a decade) but it could also be some other use...and it's quite adjectives for people's sex drives to rollercoaster throughout their lives so probably you are just at a inborn low for some reason.

My sex drive go up and down but it's never occured to me to blame the depo.

If you are concerned, ask your doctor about it. But I doubt it's the depo (or it alone) if it hasn't be an issue in former times 7 years. Your body may have gone through some other common chemical/hormonal changes that triggered this.

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yes it is possible this is because of Depo. A friend of mine was on it for in the region of as many years as you and she have zero sex drive and also be found to be in ovarian let-down after she stopped taking it, due to her long use of the shot.

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I hold been getting the depo shot for 11 years and enjoy had no problem next to sex drive actually my husband say i want it too much

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