Im a thin girl with a flabby stomach?

ok well sometimes my friends tempt me that im anorexic, but im really not, im just spare. but anyways why do i have such a flabby stomach consequently? and what can i do about it? any excersises excluding sit-ups?

I had anal sex for the first time today and bleed?

Wow...indistinguishable name as me and impossible to tell apart problem!!!
Im skinny with a jelly belly too!
Well I did rowing for a while, and that trimmed me up but I have to move and couldn't do it any more.
Sit ups do help, and one of my friends swears by pilates, they are lenient yet efficient.

Can anyone explain a colcoscopy in detail or know of any particular, caring websites?

you can do all the sit-ups you want but what you should do is cut subsidise on sugar, drink more water and focus on cardio (thats the hidden to a flat stomach)

is there a side effect of using contraceptive?

Lucky. I would fairly be skinny. Ride a bike or just saunter.

Oh yeah thanks so much for answerin my quiz.The 13 thing. Thanks alot alot alot


go to a gym and work out .

What happen if a woman continues taking her birth control pill well into a pregnancy?

Do yo' weights, Young woman - 2 to 3 times per week - one hour at least, respectively session ... but start much smaller, and build up over 2 months.
Good luck, and God bless.

Need Help! What is the best kind of birth control for a 15 yr youthful girl?

Here are some exercises:

1. Belly Rolls

Works: vertical ab muscles

What to do: Sit with your legs bent, foot flat on the floor and arms straight in front of you. Exhale and roll put a bet on until your lower back touches the ground -- stop. Inhale and roll backbone up. Repeat 15 times. Now exhale and roll back until your shoulder blades touch the ground -- stop. Inhale and roll rear legs up. Repeat 15 times.

2. Tummy Curls

Works: horizontal ab muscles

What to do: Lie on your back and bend your knees at an (almost) 90-degree angle beside the floor, raising your foot slightly higher than your knees. Exhale, heave your butt and roll back to your shoulder blades. Inhale and roll to your tailbone -- stop (don't tolerate your butt touch the ground). Repeat 20 times.

3. Cross Crunches

Works: waist

What to do: Grab a liter bottle of water and feign on your back beside your knees bent at a 90-degree angle with the floor. Cradle your gone hand losing your head. Now hold the sea bottle in your right paw, lift your pave the way and shoulders off the ground and accomplish across your body, so the bottle is outside your left knees. "Pulse" 20 times. Switch sides and repeat.

4. Tailbone Lifts

Works: lower ab muscles

What to do: Lie on your back, arms stretched straight over your lead and legs fully extended and crossed in the upper air. Exhale and lift your tailbone, later slowly lower as you inhale (don't just drop -- resist on the method down). Repeat 30 times.

5. Inverted Crunches
WORKS: lower back

WHAT TO DO: Lie on your stomach, arms in front of you as if flying. Exhale and lift up just your right arm and disappeared leg as high as you can. Inhale and lower. Then switch, lifting your vanished arm and right leg. Alternate, doing 20 lifts on respectively side. Finally, lift both arms and legs 20 times.

If these don't work your "flabby stomach" might be inherent and you may not be able to grasp rid of them. Or it can be the type of fat you gain when you munch through too much fast-food. Like McDonald's has this chemical solid in some of their burgers or something that stays in your stomach and is greatly hard to burn. Or you can try drinking profusely of water. It'll purify your body and assist get rid of some margarine.

Hope those exercises work well. Good luck.


My sister have 2% body fat? WHy hasnt she die?

I've be thin adjectives my life and never have to worry in the region of exercise until now. I'm 24 and I'm merely now competent to fit a size 3. My stomach has gotten flabby. I attribute this flab to a # of things:
1. I munch through whatever I want whenever I want
2. I once in a blue moon exercise
3. I've been spoiled by my moral genes and high metabolism
Now, to correct that problem, I run and I do 800 crunches a afternoon (I want a 6 pack). I do 400 in the morning and 400 at darkness (thats 100 upper, 100 lower, and 100 on each side). You stipulation to do some cardio to get rid of the flab and flab. Crunches can only do so much. Honestly, I've found that nought works better on the abs than the different ways to do sit-ups or easy agency out of this one. Good luck

is dat sticky stuff wot i hav asked abt have religious importance bcz its all develop uncontiously?

Cardio is a good agency to burn fat. Do anything that will grasp your heart pumping: walk your dog, ride a bike, bring a morning jog. I bought a home journal of Dance Dance Revolution, which is a popular video game that I'm sure you've hear of, and I would play it for over an hour just because it be so fun and addictive. After a few weeks, I noticed my stomach have slimmed and that Dance Dance Revolution showed me more results than running on the treadmill did, most likely because it be more fun than traditional exercise and I would play it longer.

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